Chapter 6

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Later on in the afternoon, Joe got a text from Brian asking if he wanted to come out later on that night for a party, sort of a small get together with their close friends from Michigan. They often did this to ensure they stayed in close contact. Just then, joe got thinking. If it was a Michigan meet up, surely Lauren should go too right? Maybe she could even recognize people she used to be close friends with? He texted Brian back and asked if he could bring a friend, missing out the fact that she went to Umich seeing as that would take a long time to explain. Sure enough, Brian said yes. Joe went to the kitchen were Lauren was making coffees. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and held her for a while, taking in her presence.

Lauren loved this, she loved feeling close to Joe again, she loved to know that this time they were aware of each other a little more. She turned around in Joe's grasp and reached her arms up to draped around his neck.

"I've been thinking." Joe started

"Thats amazing Joe! I'm so proud of you!" Lauren replied sarcastically. He laughed along with her before continuing.

"Very funny Lo. So, some people that I know from Michigan are having a small get together tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go? We don't have to if your not ready to mix with that riff raff but if you fancy a night out, we can go. No alcohol, they usually get a little crazy when they drink so we made a little policy." Lauren thought long and hard about this. She wanted to go and see people she might have known but at the sane time, she was terrified. That would mean explaining what happened to people who remembered her. What if Joe really wanted to go? She could stop him from meeting his friends, that would be selfish.

"Do you want to go?" She leaned out of his arms slightly to look him in the eye.

"Honestly, I'm not too bothered about going myself because I see most of them anyway but I thought that i would give you an opportunity to see people again if you wanted to and only if you want to because I'm not going to pressure you into going anywhere or doing anything you don't want to." Joe was so perfect. She smiled and thought a little more. If she got asked any questions, all she would have to say is that she moved for personal reasons and hopefully people would get the idea that she wasn't there to tell a life story (or a year story) but that she was just there to have fun.

"Okay. Let's go." Joes face lit up.

"Are you sure? Is this what you really want?" She nodded.

"I also want to thank you for giving me this chance. I'm so grateful to have you in my life joe." Now was the moment. It was literally the most perfect moment to kiss her.

Lauren really wanted Joe to make his move. She felt too scared to be the one, she prayed he would catch on. Their eyes remained locked and Joe tightned his grip around her waist and lifted her so he was carrying her. Joe thought that thinking about doing it will make him run scared so if he just did it without thinking -

Apparently they had been moving closer and closer towards each other because before they both knew it, their lips were grazing. They froze in sync, realizing what was happening. Lauren didn't move until Joe did. They eased into it naturally. She wondered why it felt as though there was a barrier between them for so long when really, they were both perfectly fine with doing this. It was pretty awesome too. They pulled away at the same time and Lauren giggled.

"What?" Joe smiled as he asked.

"I don't know, actually I do but I don't." He gave her a confused look as she continued.

"I don't know about you but I was too scared to kiss you for ages. I don't know why cause we're pretty amazing at it but-" Joes lips crashed again at hers again. She was too cute when she rambled.

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