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(Octavia pov)

I dont know how long I was sitting here for. All I know is that I need to stop my brother, but he locked the door so that no one can get in. I heard someone coming up the ladder. It was Clarke, I quickly got up, "Clarke, they locked the door," I told her. Clarke climbed up to the door and started to bang on it. "Hey, open the door," she yelled out. They opened the door for her, and she climbed up the rest of the way, and I followed behind her.

Clarke quickly made her way to the ground. "What's on this?"she asked as she lifted up the knife, " she asked with anger. "What's going on?" I asked her, and she looked over at me. "He poisoned the blade. All this time, you knew finn was gonna die no matter what we did, WHAT IS IT!? IS THERE AN ANTIDOTE? " she yells at him. "Vials, its gotta be in here," Bellamy said as he hands Clarke a box full with little bottles of liquid in them.

She throws the knife to the ground in my direction. She looked threw it. She then turns around. "Which one?" she asked, but the grounder didn't say anything. "Show us please," I asked him, hoping that he would tell them so that he won't get hurt again. But the gounder didn't say anything. Bellamy started walking to the side. "I'll get him to talk," he said as he walked by me. "Bellamy no, dont do this," I begged him, Bellamy quickly turns to face me. "HE WANTS FINN TO DIE, WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT" he yells at me.

"BECAUSE HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AND NOW YOUR BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM, SO OF COURSE HE WANT FINN TO DIE" I yelled back. "If we had just left, we wouldn't be in this situation right now," I continued. "I mean, come on, he saved my life," I say, looking around for help. Clarke nods at my brother, Bellamy walks over to the side and cuts a seatbelt apart. He used the part that clicks in to the other piece.

Bellamy walked to the middle of the room and then took a couple of steps forward. He started to hit the gounder with it, making little cuts on him. They kept asking him but he won't talk to them and I couldn't take it anymore. "ENOUGH!" I yelled out. I heard someone coming up the ladder quickly. I looked over, and it was Raven. "What's taking so long? He stopped breathing, but I got him to breathe again. but the next he probably won't, " Raven said as she looked at Clarke before looking around.

"he won't tell us anything," Clarke says as she points at him. "Want to bet," rave said, she walks over to the wall close to Bellamy. She pulled something out of the wall, and there were sparks coming out of it. She tases him twice on the side. "STOP!" I yelled. "HE'S LETTING FINN DIE," she cries. I grabbed the knife and just looked at it for a second. "God, I hope this works," I thought to myself. I took a deep breath before letting the blade cross my arm.

"Octavia no" I heard my brother say, I look up "he won't let me die" I said as I walk up to him, I fell to the ground and pointed at each bottle until he nods at the right one. I gave it to Clarke. Both Clarke and Raven hurried back down to finn. I slowly got up and made my way down to get the antidote for myself,  and man, let me tell you, it was awful. After that, I went to my tent, and thank god it wasn't raining anymore.

*two days later*

I hadn't seen Y/N in two days, and nobody but me noticed that she was gone. I was sitting in my tent thinking about what I should do and how to find her. A lot happened yesterday, I let Lincoln go as everyone was high from jobi nuts. Clarke and Bellamy brought back guns and other things from their trip. Oh, and Lincoln also kissed me, I mean, he's a good kisser, and I did like it, but it didn't feel right. I mean, there were no sparks or butterflies. I mean, then again, he was the second person who kissed me, and with both, I could tell that they weren't the one for me.

So today is Unity Day, and everyone is crowded around the TV so that they can watch jaha's speech. I walked out and slowly made my way out of camp without anyone noticing. When jasper came out and started to pass around drinks. That's when I quickly made my way out, hoping that no one saw me leave. I was running towards Lincoln place, so I could talk to him and ask for help to find Y/N. As I was running, I was trying to make sure that no other gounders saw me. I don't want to go through that again.

It was getting close to dark when I finally got there. I quietly made my way in there just in case someone else was around here. I walked up closer to him "Lincoln" I say quietly. He turned around and once he saw me he smiled. He came up to me and kissed me again, I didn't know what to do, so I just kissed him back. He pulled away with a smile. "Um, can we talk?" I asked him as I stepped away from him. He nods his head. "So um, one of my friends, Y/N, she been gone for two days and we can't find her, do you know where she would be?" I asked him. He turned around and faced at the wall before taking a deep breath.

"She could be anywhere, but more than anything, if she got caught by some of my people, they would have taken her to polis, where the commander lives," he say as he faced me again. "Is there a way to know if she is there or not?" I asked. "I could always go but by the time I get there she would probably be dead, knowing my people they want revenge on the village your people burnt down" he say as he walked up closer to me. He looks down for a moment before grabbing my hand. He looks back up at me. "You can stay with me, and you wouldn't have to deal with my people attacking you because you'll be with me," he said in one breath.

"What about all of my friends and my brother... I just can't leave them, and I just want to find my friend Y/N, " I say as I pull my hand away. "You really care about your friend Y/N?" he asked, I nodded my head in response. He let out a loud sigh "ok, I'll go and see if she there but just know I'm doing this because I care about you" he said as he grabs his things and then his sword, he stood in front of me "I'll see you soon" he said before running out. I just hope that Y/N is okay.

I quickly and quietly made my way back to the drop ship to see that everyone was panicking and running around. "What the hell is going on?" I asked out loud. Some guy stopped in front of me "the grounders are coming, Finn set up a meeting with the grounders but it didn't turn out good so we are getting ready to fight" the guy said before running away. I went around to help out with anything. I ended up taking a shift on watching over the camp. Clarke, Bellamy, Finn, and Raven were talking about how to delay the battle.

Out of nowhere, there was a loud sound echoed through the forest. I looked up to see that there was another drop ship. They're all coming down since they know that the earth was survivable. The ship was speeding down, but wouldn't it have a parachute that could slow it down. But there wasn't, and before we knew it, it crashed into the ground. Clarke and my brother went to go to where the ship crashed, and they also took a few people with them.

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