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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Aren't you happy to see me?"Jimin walk towards me.I dismissed my Secretary but never forget to bow before she left.

"Why??"I avoid Jimin's touch and sit on my chair.
"Besides I'm married Jimin"He  scoffs and roll his eyes.
"And so?I don't care"He sat on my lap and lean to kiss my lips our lips touch and i didn't know why i kiss him back too. Our kiss deepened. He put his hand behind my neck.

Suddenly Jin's smiling face pop in my mind. I cant do this,I shouldn't be doing this. I quickly push Jimin and press the button of the Intercom calling my secretary.

"Are you that faithful to him?Tsk."
He smirk,Fixing his clothes
"Remember this Jungkook, You'll be mine soon" I scoffed at his sentence and glare at him

"I only love my husband so stop thinking that you'll get me" As after i said that my secretary knock and come inside.


"Please lead Mr. Park out"
Jimin laugh Evilly and while pushing his hair back.

"No need,

You'll see Kook,I'll make sure that you and him will break up!" He left and slam the door.
After he left i sighed and massage my nape

"Mr.Han Please don't let Mr. Park enter the building" I told to him while going out of my office

"Yes,Sir" was all i heard after i dismissed him.
I'm planning to go home early to spend more time with Jinnie,the earlier scene kept making me guilty.

I need to make sure that Jimin will never met Jin or else.


"Is it possible that i will be cured?" Dr. Lee nods his head and leaned o his back at his chair.

"Yes, you may be cured if you continue your treatment,besides it's only in early stage but if you didn't it continue to undergo your treatment then...."
Dr. Lee didn't finished his sentence as Jin already know what the next words are and it may probably might happen to him.
He hated the word 'Death'  just by thinking the word of it sends shiver down his spine.

"So SeokJin-ah, I suggest you tell it to Jungkook, so you wouldn't get worried getting caught while attending your treatment, besides as you are his husband you need support each other in times like this.
It won't be good keeping your sickness."

Doctor Lee had been their Family Doctor ever since him and Jungkook got Married.
And as Jin wanting to keep his sickness a secret make the doctor got worried

"Please Dr. Lee help me to keep it as a secret, I can't tell him that i'm sick or else he will got worried and my family too"

"SeokJin-ah you know eventually he will know the truth, you can't keep that forever"

"I know Doc but please, I will tell him but I'm not sure when..."


Jk and Jimin's Past will be reveal soon, till now thank you for waiting patiently and reading it i really appreciate it ♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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