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Seokjin's POV

"W-what?"i asked shockingly,am i hearing it right? it can't be! I'm still young,my husband still need me!

"Doc you are joking right?Because if yes,it's not funny!"i said sarcastically,the doctor only shook his head.
"I'm sorry, but it is true and it's stage 2"i collapsed at the couch and let the tears escape to my eyes. How am i gonna tell this to my family,especially to jungkook.

No one's POV

Jin got home safely from the hospital he calmed himself and wipe his tears. He chose not to tell yet to jungkook and to his family about his condition. So when he made his way to the kitchen he made some tea for jungkook.

"Shin!,Sir Jungkook is calling for you"he heard the driver and take a glance to nana shin who was beside him.
"Ok!"Nana shin answered he was about to go when jin call her.
"Nana Shin could you please give this to Jungkook"jin handed the tea and Nana Shin nod putting the tea on the tray to serve it.

After 5 minutes Nana shin got out from jungkook's office and went  to the living room,there he found jin sitting in the couch while reading some book.
"Excuse me but Sir jungkook is calling for you to be in his office"she spoke politely,jin put down the book in the table and got up.
"Thanks Nana Shin"Jin smiled and hug her. After that he left and make his way to his husband's office.
When he open the door he sees jungkook finishing his tea and put it on the table.

Kook!" He hugged Jungkook and kiss his cheeks.
"Hi love,hows day?"Jungkook asked while stroking Jin's  fluffy hair.
"Good,but i'm kinda tired"
"Why?"his husband ask while looking into jin's eyes,that seems nervous.
"Uhm-I-i went to my father and well checking if he's ok and ye-yeah he is"he tiredly smiled and sighed.
"You seems really tired,get some rest love"Jungkook kissed his forehead hugged him.
"Kook can you cuddle with me in bed?please i really missed you,you always get home late and not spending time with me anymore"Jin whined,
"I'm sorry love,promise I'll make it up to you,but now lets cuddle in bed"Jungkook kiss his  husband knuckles and show his signature smile,Jin  pout for a second but then nod.

~Time skip~

Jin woke up without Jungkook beside him,so he assumed that Jungkook went out to the office early.So he went to bathroom and shower.

He decided to go to the hospital by taking a cab,He didn't want to use his car and He did not want to transmit by their driver.Jin got out of the cab and paid the driver,entering the hospital he waited his Doctor to let him in.

"Mr.Jeon,you May go in now"the nurse called and smile genuinely

"Thank you"jin stood up and bow at the nurse before going in.


While jin is in the hospital,Jungkook is busy doing his paperworks until he's secretary came with a short Male.

"Excuse Mr. Jeon But you have a guest"his secretary informed which make Jungkook look at the secretary and a short male next to it.

"Hello Kook it's been a while since we've seen each other"the short Male smile genuinely to jungkook.

"Jimin?What are you doing here"Jungkook look shocked seeing jimin.
"Why?You don't miss me?"Jimin winked.

Sorry for not updating^^

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