One Direction Love Story! Chapter 29.

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*Sam's POV*

1 year later

"Hey Taylor, come here!" I yell to my best friend as I'm cuddled up on my couch.

"Coming!" Taylor yells back at me.

It's been a year now since the tragedy went down with Harry.

I quit my job and moved to London so they wouldn't be able to find me. My new job is actually photography, I work just down in a little shop. I'm now 21, just turned 21 about 4 days ago. ( she was 19 in the other chapters, she turned 20 and moved, now 1 year later shes 21)

Harry, I guess. I don't know, I refuse to see him, watch him, listen to him. After I moved, everyday he tried calling for 2 months, but soon have up. But about 3 months after, there was this one week where he just called every single minute of the day, I wouldn't answer it of course. He needs to realize that I'm no longer in the picture and he needs to be with his family.

Taylor, I met her down by the photography shop when I moved, and we just connected and became best friends, which I'm so happy it happened. She know's everything about me, even Harry.

"Sam, can you run down to the cafe and pick up a little bottle of milk for the coffee?" Taylor walks in the room asking me.

I sigh, "Can't you?"

"Nope." She says, as I roll my eyes.

I get up and find my jacket, putting it on and I stuff my feet into my shoes.

"You owe me." I glare at her, opening up the door and shutting it.

I let out a chuckle as I shove my hands into my coat pockets, walking along the sidewalk.

I see old couples, new couples, children, teenage girls, everything as I walk my way to the cafe.

I sigh once again as I open up the door to the cafe and make my way through the back searching for the milk. I grab the milk and make my way to the cashier as I pay. I grab the milk from the counter and turn around, heading towards the door.

It's just turning Fall, and you can just barley see my breath when I breath out.

I shove my wallet into my back pocket, checking the back just inca-

"owf" I find the sound coming out of my mouth as I get all the air knocked out of me by a stranger passing by.

"I'm so sorry, love!" The strangers deep voice apologizes, holding out a hand.

I look up to see the face, when the persons eyes are staring back at me.

"H-Harry." I stutter, my stomach doing a twist.

"Sam." My name sounds so sweet coming out of his mouth.

"I-I have to go." I scramble up, turning around getting ready to take off but got hold back by a hand.

"No, wait, please." Harry begs, looking into my eyes.

"This is not a good time Harry, please." I try getting out of his grip again.

"No, Sam." He holds onto me much tighter.

"Harry, please, go." I close my eyes, trying once again to get out of his grip, but failing at his strength.

"Sam, I said no, I'm not letting go again." He says through his teeth.

"You have too, Harry." I try getting him to change his mind.

Why is he here right now? Shouldn't he be with his family?

"No, I don't Sam." He tugs on my hand, leading me back into an alleyway.

As I try so hard to squirm out of his grip, I couldn't. He was holding on to tight, he has to let go.

"Harry please, stop. Go on now." But he doesn't listen, he knocks me up onto a wall, trapping me in between his arms, making sure I couldn't go anywhere.

"Stop it, just listen." His calm voice tells me.

I was just meant to be going to buy some milk, not seeing my first love again, getting trapped so I couldn't get out, and him trying to apologize.

"Chasity was a lying little bitch, Sam. She wasn't pregnant, she wasn't having a baby, she lied. I lost you because she lied. You never answered your phone, don't you watch celebrity shows? Did you ignore me for a year and think I wouldn't come back? I've been trying to find you ever since the doctors told me. That week where I called you non-stop, that's the week. You wouldn't answer, and you wouldn't give me the time you explain. I've missed you so much Sam, I love you more than you will ever know." Harry cried out as I stand there in shock.

"S-She lied?" I say starring at the wall.

"Yes, she lied!" He screamed, letting go of me.

I stare blankly at the wall ahead off me, picturing Chasity, making my blood boil.

"Please Sam. Here me out." He pleads, grabbing onto my face.

I look him in the eye, letting them get lost in those green orbs.

Without a second thought I smash my lips onto his, re-connecting what we had years back.

As our lips move in sync, he places his hands under my bum, making me pull my legs around his waist.

Moving in sync a little More, I dis-connect leaving me to catch air.

"I still fucking love you." I whisper to him, letting his smile take over his face.

"No more shits going on between us, we deal with it, I can't stand losing you again." Harry says, smashing his lips back on mine.


Well, that was the end, it was pretty crappy, because I didn't know what to write but oh well. :P

It was an amazing time writing this story, and I love each and every one of you.

If you have any ideas for my next story, please comment or message me! :) <3

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