"She's Dead" ~ Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"She's dead."


He's my favorite person because, I've always felt safe around him. No one else can make me feel as safe as I feel when I'm around him. He makes me so mad but with just one smile he gives me I can't help but smile back. I care about him so much how can I not, he's my father. If something were to ever happen to him, I feel like I would lose apart of me. 

"Okay, I can't type anymore," Justin said distracting me from my thoughts. 

"You done?" I ask looking over at him. 

"No, but I can finish tomorrow."

"Alright, hey who are you writing about?"

"No one important." he said with absolutely no emotions in his eyes, I didn't understand Justin. He could go from being somewhat happy to a person who seems to have no soul. 

"It has to be someone important, I mean your writing about your favorite person so who is it?"

"Who are you writing about?" he says changing the subject, I'm not going to push it I know if I do he might freak out and kick me out. Which wouldn't be a bad thing but I want to get this done so I don't have to come over again.

"My dad."


"Yeah," it was so awkward. I look at Justin and he's just staring in front of him before closing his laptop and coming over to me and taking my notebook in which I had been writing in. 

"Hey!" I say trying to get it back. 

"I'm just going to read it, we're partners aren't we?"

"Fine." I say watching as he starts reading his eyes scanning the whole paper before turning to the next page in my notebook.

"I'm not done yet." I say as he gets to the 3rd page of my writing. Finishing reading my writing he hands my notebook back and doesn't say a word. 

"Well? Is it that bad?

"What do you mean you'll lose apart of you if something happened to him."

"I mean that if something bad happens to him, I know I'll feel lost."

"How do you know that?"

"I guess I don't. Now can I see what you wrote?"


"Oh come on Justin! You saw what I wrote."

"So what?"

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair."

"You said it yourself we're partners, I won't judge."

"Your a pain in the ass ya know."

"So can I?"


"Justin! Please I just want to see what you wrote."

"I don't want you to see what I wrote."

"Fine, then I'm leaving."

"Go ahead, you know where the door is," UGH I can't believe how frustrating he is. He read what I wrote why can't I read what he wrote? I gather my stuff and walk to the door making sure to slam it. I quickly jog over to my house,worried that Justin would come out because I slammed his door.

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