"Cameron and Miley" ~ Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Cameron and Miley"





"The heck?" I say as I hear the sound that woke me up.





What the hell is that? I go to look out my window and then I hear a crash downstairs. I start walking downstairs scared because I'm the only one here. I think.

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice behind me. I screamed and then turned around and found my mom staring at me.

"Mom! You scared the shit out of me."

"Selena watch your language! And shouldn't you be in bed it's a school night."

"I was but I heard a loud crash down here so I had to see what it was. I'm guessing it was you?"

"Yea,sorry I was trying to wash a couple dishes before heading to bed but then they fell."

"Where were you?"

"Um...that's not import-"

"But it is, dad said-"

"You spoke with your father?!"

"I thought you knew."

"No I didn't and I don't want you speaking with him. I'm fine. Don't believe anything he told you."

"But h-"

"Selena go back to sleep it's too late to have this conversation."

"Mom I wan-"

"Now!" She yelled pointing at the stairs.

"Ugh whatever." I say walking up the stairs. Once I made it to my room I tried falling asleep but I failed. I decided to try to call Nick again because I still really wanna talk to him. I called and it rang a few times before going to voice mail and this time I didn't leave a voice mail. Ugh why can't he answer me? I mean technically we are dating. I can't think about this right now it's 4 a.m I have 3 hours before I have to wake up for school. I started playing my music on my phone and it was really loud through my headphones but that's how I like it.


This girl came 'round the corner, looking like a model. Magazine figure, she was shaped like a bottle. Long straight hair, she was fly as a bird. First time ever I was lost for words.

Felt so right, it just couldn't be wrong. Love at first sight if that exists at all. I couldn't move, felt like I was stuck and then baby girl looked up. And I said hey ther-

"Hello?" I said yawning because whoever this person was just woke me up.



"Yes this is Selena right?"

"Yes now why the hell did you wake me up?"

"I woke you up?"

"Yes you did."

"Sorry, it is 7:30" Then my eyes widened.


"Yeah now do you want a ride?"

"Actually I think my mom is taking me but I'll see you at school I gotta get ready."

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