The Beginning

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Ten years later after the first outbreak; the world never went back to the same. Everyone never went to the way they were. No one remembers how it was back then because of this virus. Everyone became zombies of fear. Other viruses came up and caused it to be more hype then it needs to be. Causing people to freak out more making the world end slowly. 

The days got dark with ash and smoke from people causing little wars. Spreading out the world. Some wars where big historic wars throughout the world. Filled with nukes and weapons that we never heard off. Along with the viruses and other random illness breaking out. Days got darker, screams where heard. From the cities and towns that were left to riot. As the wars bring fears and worries to everyone.

I'm only 30 years old. I was only 20 when the first wave was hit. That I sat watch made things go into a spiral. I watch as people changed as the first virus went by and took it the course. I see people and families fall apart during all of this. I somehow kept myself together and got married before the world fully fell apart. I have a beautiful two-year-old baby girl, Leo. Who is sticking out through all of this? With my husband who is doing everything to help us survive.

My husband is only 32 years old. Has never thought of anything like this. He was there for the first wave before he met me. Now he's raising a small family in a world that can kill us easily. He's going strong with us though. To keep us happy and going. Without the fear of our child that is stuck in this ripping apart world. He has fears of losing us, but he does not let that east him alive. To live this life that we have now and get by.

We travel by foot in woods, deserts, and wetlands. As we watch our move without stepping into the wrong type of ground. Finding new areas to call our home. Rather if it's abandoned homes or old shacks. Even build our own homes with whatever we can find. Somewhere to keep us warm and safe to sleep. While we try to make our way, to areas that might be kept. 

Leo, our two-year-old is the age of learning how to walk and talk. Her smile is bigger now. At least she's living this life she was born into. As happy as she can get. It warms my heart to see her happy which makes us happy. Some days are harder than others especially with traveling every day or sometimes night. She keeps herself together and makes the traveling fun. Makes her dad happy and helping him keep his head held up.

Our families are nowhere to be found. We lost them during the first war. We have no idea where they went. Or if they got taken to be terminated due to their age. Or used if they have the strength enough to help fight the wars. I don't remember hardly anything when my mom and dad got taken away. I was asleep woke to seeing my house completely distorted. To reach my parents. My husband's parents are used to help the war. They aren't allowed to contact us if we go against them doing such a thing. The last time he saw them was when before he went to work as an idol for the last time. 

We met before all this happened as I said. Our wedding was small with only our parents before they got taken away. That was the day that the light was only shining. It was the happiest time of our lives even with everything that was going on. There was another virus that broke out during that time. It didn't phase us at all because we rode out the last one. We all thought we can beat this last one as well. We just kept our heart happy as we are together forever no matter what will happy in the future. 

I was pregnant during the time of the wars that were historical. That caused the world to riot apart. Of all the damages that were caused. My feelings and my heart were getting alive by the fear of losing my baby. I watched as my friend's baby was killed or worse. The mother was killed or the baby can't survive. The first or two months of pregnancy so the baby doesn't have to suffer. This was all due to the population's rights because of the wars, illnesses, and keeping the earth to be clean. Which was disgusting to such thing, especially to the young families who were excited to have a baby.  Has to see what lies for them. For me, I got to keep our little girl. Since my husband was in the military at the time. It was a leap way to keep our baby because we were government bodies. 

Times and days past as we are now finding ways to keep us alive. Ever since Jungkook decided to leave the war. Things changed for us big time. We got looked differently by the government. As if we were thrown to the wastelands, of people who died or used as target practice. He got told that they were going to take to me and kill our baby. As a punishment for leaving his rule as a soldier during this time. There was times I didn't see him for hours and days. As he was trying to get away from the government to save me and our daughter. 

The day finally comes to break free and survive. In a way, we never thought would ever happen. With our cheerful little girl who keeps us going. No matter if we have a home or not. With no fear because of her. We are living this world-ending time in a way that we can. 

This is our story surviving this crazy time. Of wars, feminine, and other rioting things that have been happening around us. 

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