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   Aesop's POV
Is this it is this what my life has become. I stood in front of the large manor door invitation in hand. I hesitated as I lifted my hand and knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood a nurse? "Oh hello you must be Aesop Carl am I correct" I slowly nodded "Y-yes that is me" she smiled "I'm Emily Dyer the doctor yes I know I don't quite look it" she moved out of the way "Please come in" I walked in and looked around "Follow me I'll show you around" she began walking "You May not meet everyone since some are in a match" I followed her "This is the kitchen you won't be here much" I nodded and followed her out into a large room "This is the dining area you'll be here later for dinne" there sitting at the table asleep was a man in a green hood. Emily walked up to him and hit his back pretty hard. He jumped up "What the hell Emily" he groaned "The new survivor is here" she responded "This is-" "Aesop Carl" I said interrupting her "I-it's nice to meet you" Emily smiled at me and then looked at the other guy "Naib Subedar The Mercenary" I nodded "Crap hey Naib can you finish showing Aesop around the last match just ended" she rushed out. Naib sighed and groaned "You don't have to. I-I can wait" I say looking down "Come on" he brushes past me into the hall. I followed him out as he walked "What's with the purse" he asked not looking at me "Purse?" I mumbled looking down at my hand "Oh you mean my makeup box?" He turned around and walked backwards "Your The Makeup Artist?" He questioned "No I'm the-" I was cut off by Naib bumping into another person making them both fall over "Ow" Naib groaned. I look down at the two boys who had seem to be in the strangest position "U-um...." I was speechless as I looked down at them

HELLO this is my first chapter I hope you guys enjoy the cliffhanger I'll post tomorrow I swear. I hope you guys love it and this goes out to my girlfriend for showing me idv and introducing me to the love of my life~

Embalm Me | Eli x Aesop x Naib~Where stories live. Discover now