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I was walking back to my room. I felt bad about what had happened with Aesop a moment ago. I sighed and looked up to see Norton 'Shit not now' "Hey Naib" he said walking up to me "What do you want have you come to laugh at me again" he threw his arm over my shoulder "Awe don't be like that. I'm actually sorry about that I was just laughing at the thought not you yourself. Are you alright you look down." I rolled my eyes "Yea I'll be ok. I'm not dead yet so ya know" we arrived at my room "Welp let me know if you need anything really man see you around" Norton walked away as I walked in to see Eli asleep in my bed "Huh what the" I sighed he must have been waiting for me and fell asleep. I walked over to the side of the bed and looked at him "Eli why are you doing this to me" He looked so peaceful. I caressed his cheek with my hand. He started to wake up so I quickly pullled my hand away "Naib your here. I felt uneasy so I came back to talk but you were gone. Where did you go?" I couldn't tell him a went to talk to Aesop that would piss him off "I went to get water and ran into Norton. We talked for awhile I'm here now so you can leave" he sighed and grabbed my arm pulling me down on him as he wrapped his arms around me "E-Eli-" it was to late he had fell back asleep. I sighed and stared at the door. What am I gonna do? I was gonna try in break free but it was pointless. I closed my eyes and dozed off going to sleep.

What she didn't die? Sadly not I'm still breathing. I've just been watching a lot of anime. Thank you for waiting and 2k veiws I'm gonna try to finish the story so I can right a new one for a fandom I'm currently really into. Ttyl love you guys

Embalm Me | Eli x Aesop x Naib~Where stories live. Discover now