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Fiona POV
I walked out of my room. It was late but I couldn't sleep. I was walking when I heard a sound but not just any sound. It was moaning I kept walking until I got to Naibs door "Forgive me my lord Hastur" I peaked through the crack in the door and couldn't believe my eyes "Naib and Eli are- It all makes since" I backed away from the door. "Are they really together? I should ask before assuming." I peeked in again and saw Eli with Naib in his arms. He carried him to bed and said something to him before coming towards the door. I panicked and started running in circles. Once I came to my senses I turned to just go back to my room when I bumped into Eli "Oh my I'm sorry are you alright" I was frantically moving my hands "Fiona? What has you up" "Nothing I-I was um" he looked me up and down "You saw didn't you" I couldn't lie Eli knows me to well he'll see right through me "Yes but I promise I won't tell anyone. I didn't mean to eavesdrop I just heard moaning and-" "Shh don't say anything don't even think about it and don't tell anyone do you understand" I quickly nodded "Yes sir" he sighed "Good now go to bed" I turned around and practically ran to my room. I know he told me not to but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Mainly the fact that Naib let Eli top him. All I could do was pray and then lay in bed still not able to sleep.

Aesop POV
I woke up the next morning and Eli was still by my side. I yawned and got up out of bed going into the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair I came back and saw Eli was up "Good morning Aesop" "Good morning Eli" he chuckled and got up giving me a kiss on the cheek "I have to go get dressed but I will see you at breakfast" he opened the door "Bye Aesop" "Bye Eli" he chuckled as he left, I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself. As I got dress.

Naib POV
I woke up angry. I let him over power me. I have to try harder no matter what "Ugh" I sat up and stretched. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to discover I had three hickeys on my neck "Damnit he definitely was into that. I let him have his way with me like a fool. Ugh" I knew I was gonna have to try harder if I was gonna be able to trap Eli. Witch meant I would have to continue seeing him. I sighed and got ready for the day. I walked out of my room and ran into someone "Fiona are you ok" I had knocked her down once she realized it was me she gasped and start frantically trying to get up "I-I'm Sorry P-please forgive n-me" she said as she got up she started speaking gibberish "Fiona!" I grabbed her by her shoulders making her stop spinning. "Are you ok" she nodded and pointed behind me "I'm sorry" she ran away I turned around to be faced with "Eli what did you do to that poor women" he rolled his eyes "She'll be fine I've known her for quite some time" "Well she seems to be scared of you" "She's scared of both of us" "Whyyy?" He looked right then left and then whispered "She saw us last night" "SHE WHAT-" Eli quickly put his hand on my mouth "Don't worry she won't spill" I moved his hand away from my mouth "What if she does and the person she tells is Aesop" he looked up "Hey guys" damn it "Hey Aesop" I turned around "I'll see you guys in a few" I rushed away from them.

Andrew POV
I walked out of my room when I suddenly saw Fiona running with her eyes closed mumbling to herself "FIONA" it was to late I wrapped my arms around her but my legs were to weak to hold my own bodies so my arms were the only strong part about me since I shovel daily but as soon as Fiona landed in my arms we immediately fell as I was on top of her but my arms were still wrapped around her "A-are you ok" she opened her eyes and immediately blushed "I'm s-so sorry are you alright" I nodded as I let her go getting up "P-please forgive me I-I shouldn't have been in t-the way" I helped her up. This was embarrassing Fiona was so beautiful and I was...nothing really "T-thank you Andrew" "Don't thank me" I looked at her face and could tell something was wrong "Fiona what's wrong" she jumped at my voice. I know I don't sound amazing but I didn't know it was that bad "I-I-I" she looked around and opened my room door quickly pulling me inside "F-Fiona what-" "IsawEliandNaiblastnightandtheyweredoingsexualthngsandididntwannasatanythingbecayseIknowifElifoundoutItoldhewillliterallydestroymeanfIneededtogetitoffnychest" she stopped breathing heavily (She was just saying what she saw) it took me a moment before I realized what she said "Wait Fiona what" she gasped and clung onto me "Please don't tell Eli Andrew he will kill me I didn't mean to say it I just needed to get it off my chest" she pleaded holding onto me as tight as she could. My face became hot is this what blushing feels like? "Fiona I-I'm-" "Andrew I beg you don't tell please" I looked away "O-ok" "Thank you so much" she hugged me tightly and it felt like she didn't wanna let go so I hugged her back. It felt nice to feel the embrace of another person. Fiona has always been kind to me no matter what. I loved her but did she love me? I didn't care I just continued hugging her soaking in the moment.

Sorry I didn't write much it's been a rough day but I did get AirPods so that was nice. I just wanna shout out mikeyisnortonsbabey they are so awesome and makes me feel really good about writing this story and definitely gives me confidence. Thank you for all the views and votes. Ttyl

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