I'm Sorry

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Aesop POV
I was an my room. Emily told me to just rest and calm down. I guess she heard our conversation. I still couldn't believe it. Why would Naib do this to me? I wish it was the way  it was when we first met. They were so nice to me. They let themselves in. Now their gone just like everyone else. It was night now I was organizing my makeup box it always helps me calm down. Knock knock "Hm" I sighed and opened the door "Hey" I closed the door. It was Eli. He knocked again 'no not now please not now I'm not ready' I leaned against the door "Aesop open the door we'll have to see each other tomorrow at breakfast tomorrow" I sighed I felt my eyes fill with tears 'Please' I heard him sigh "I'm sorry Aesop" 'no your not' "I didn't mean to hurt you" 'lies you meant it from the start' "I didnt mean to fall in love with Naib" I gasped and opened the door "You what!" He almost fell inside he looked at me like he wasn't supposed to say that "What...." "No you just said your in love with Naib. Is that true?" He nodded slowly. I sighed and looked at him sadly "How could you. You said you loved me" he looked away "You lied to me. You were just using me" I sighed "I'm sorry-" "Shh just...leave please" he looked at me for a moment "Thank you" I said as he finally left out the room. I closed the door and sat down on the floor. I wasn't crying I was just there thinking but not really.

Naib POV
I was in my room thinking about what Eli said. He can't actually be in love with me. I needed to clear things up with Aesop. I got up and walked to Aesop's room. I knocked on the door. I stood there for a few seconds before knocking on the door "Aesop it's...it's Naib" he opened the door "What is it let me guess did you come here to hurt me to" "N-no why would you say that" "What do you want Naib it's late I need to sleep" "Can I come in" he sighed and opened the door more letting me in "Make this quick please" I looked at him. He looked annoyed and angry he didn't look sad at all far from it really "Hello are you gonna talk" I blinked and looked away "I'm sorry" I looked up at him he rolled his eyes "Eli said the same thing and then he told me he's in love with you" I shook my head "I just found that out today to I didn't know he was in love with me. I don't even know how he fell for me" "You don't think it was in between the time periods that you've slept together" "Me an Eli have never slept together. We just kissed and touched but it was nothing more than that" "But why though. Why did you mess around with him" "I did it for you. I truly did. I thought if I was with him that meant he wasn't with you so I could be with you. I was stopping him from hurting you since you wouldn't believe me. But instead I just hurt you more. So for that I truly am so sorry Aesop I didn't mean for this to happen. For a moment I actually thought I saw Aesop smirk but whatever it was it quickly went back to the expression he wore before "Naib... I forgive you" "Really" he nodded and walked closer to me "Yes" he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back "Than you Naib I'm sorry for getting mad at you" "I'm sorry for ruining your happy ending for my own selfish desires. I just didn't know what else to do" he pulled away my arms still around him "You don't have to do anything " I looked into his eyes as he stared into mine. He leaned closer to me and kissed me.

Hey guys so um I'm so sorry I forgot about the story I've been going through to much lately I never meant for this to happen with the long posting. I will be posting a new chapter after this one so look out for it. Thank you guys for the votes and views ttyl 🖤💜🤔😁🤣

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