Chapter four

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I couldn't get him out of my head, the way his body felt against mine, his moans, whimpers, just his voice in general. I couldn't stop thinking about that fear in his eyes. He was so young and pure. At least that's what he wants people to think but I knew deep inside he wasn't. I could tell by the way he swayed his hips when he walked, how when ever he talked he would slowly move his hand down to my crouch even if someone else was in the room. If there was one thing I knew for sure it's that I'll make that boy mine no matter what.


(October 16, 2015, Alexander's 14)

"F-fuck" I screamed as he pushed back into me "What was that boy? " He growled "N-Nothing sir, A-Ah f-f-" I stopped myself so I wouldn't get in more trouble. But then it all went black. Then there was this bright light, so bright I had to look away, as soon as the bright light disappeared I look in front of me. And saw him,but it couldn't have been him because this guy smelt like blood, but the closer I got the more I started to realise it was him. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. He was hanging, he had blood coming out of his mouth and neck, he looked as if he had been dead for weeks maybe even months.I quickly tried to pull him down. Once I did he fell on top of me. I started to scream more then before.This had to be a bad dream. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Even worse then before. How? How could he leave me like this? He promised. I kept trying to get him off of me, I kept pushing but he didn't get off I could feel his blood dripping down into my pale skin. Then I felt and saw nothing.




"Alexa-nder wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Sebastian."Sebastian?" As soon as he heard me say his name he hugged me. "Oh my poor baby boy I was so scared, you were crying and yelling it scared me half to death." Sebastian finally pulled away and looked at me, his nose to mine, my hand in his, his other hand in my hair slightly pulling it, him laying on top of me. It almost made me forget my dream, forget that my dream wasn't really and dream, that all of what happened in my dream was true, the fact that he really did die. He left me even after what we went through and even after he promised me he left me. He left me for a better place and now I was stuck in this hell hole. Taking pills, drinking, doing shit I shouldn't be doing. Anything that would kill me, all because he left me. I couldn't handle it I still can't. I think about it so much that it haunts me. It's slowly killing me inside.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Sebastian asked if I was okay. "I'm- I'm fine. " He pulled away looking disappointed. "I can tell you're not okay"

My eyes started watering. "Hey, hey it's okay baby you're fine, you're okay." He pulled me into a tight hug. " Can you tell me why you're crying?" I just shook my head, and hugged him tighter. I started getting tired after a few minutes though. " Go to sleep baby boy, it'll be okay." I looked up at him and frowned. "Can- can you stay with me, at least until I fall asleep?" He smiled at me and laid down on my bed, me on top of him. "Of course baby, just go to sleep I'll be here with you. "

The last thing I remember before go to sleep was him pulling me even closer to him and kissing  my forehead. Before I let the darkness take over.


Hey. Sorry it's been so long my mental health has been getting worse so I don't feel like doing anything not even writing, I'm trying to get better but what I'm doing isn't really helping so I don't know what to do. Anyway non of that was important I hope you enjoyed it, it took me like 10 million years to write. I'll see you guys when I posted the next chapter. Also I didn't like reread anything so there is probably a lot of mistakes so feel free to correct me. Any way bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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