27: Sunny and Relaxing-ish

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You put your hair up in a messy bun and grabbed the hose. You opened the hose and started wetting all the vehicles. You bite your bottom lip as you concentrate and hear Jimin yelling your name. You turn off the hose and look around.

"Yah up here!" he yelled and you put your hand over your eyes to give yourself some shadow and look at Jimin who is in the balcony.

"What!" you yell and he leans on the glass and glares at you.

"What are you doing?!" he yells and you give him a serious look.

"Planning how to beat your ass for not knocking and entering my room!" you yell and his face turns serious.

"Washing the cars! What else?!" you yell and his face relaxes and he chuckles nervously. He taps on the glass and nods and leaves back inside. You turn on the hose unconsciously and wet your shirt. You gasp and drop the hose and look at yourself. You pout at your soaked wet shirt and kick the hose.

You take off your shirt and stay in your sports bra and hang the shirt somewhere so it dries faster with the sun. You grab the hose and go back to what you were doing. You just hope that no one comes out and sees you half naked. You grab the sponge and start washing the van which was bigger.

You start whistling and you keep washing the van when you hear a weird sound and feel like someone is staring at you. You stop and look around to make sure there's no one and you go back to washing the car.

You feel someone tap your shoulder and you turn around and punch Taehyung's nose.

"Oh my God Tae I am so sorry are you ok?" you drop the sponge and check his face. He holds his nose and throws his head back and groans in pain.

"Since when do you punch?" he asked and looked down at you.

"Since now." you say and he takes his hand off his face and you check his nose. There was no sign of blood which was a good thing. You stand up straight and he glares at you.

"What?" you ask and he gets closer to you.

"Why are you shirtless?" he asked and you looked down at your half naked body. "Because I soaked my shirt. It's getting dried while I clean the cars." you said as you backed up a little and your back touched the cold wet surface of the van.

"Only I can see that pretty body of yours without clothes do you understand?" he said as he put his right arm against the car next to your body. You nodded scared of what he could do since you experienced it last night and he smirked and left a kiss on your cheek and left.

You roll your eyes at him and go back to cleaning the vehicles.

After washing the cars

You finish drying the window and you grab your shirt and put it on. You roll the hose and put the supplies back in the garage. You closed the garage and went inside the house. You stretch your arms up and you flump into the couch. Your body was extremely sore. Your legs started aching so you lay back on the couch and sigh.

"Yah Y/N~" Jungkook said as he went towards you and you sat up. He sits down and pats his lap and you rest your head on his lap.

"So what did you do?" he asked as you both made eye contact and you knew what he was talking about and you rolled your eyes making him laugh.

"I didn't do anything. You sent me to go to him, I went to his room and he wasn't there. So I head to my room to finally get some rest after a long day and you know the rest." you say and he nods and Jin walks out of the kitchen as if he was running a marathon.

"We are having visitors tonight. Y/N would you be sweetheart and throw the trash away for me?" Jin said as he put the bag on the floor.

"Sure." you said as you got up.

"Jungkook help me cook would you." Jin said and Jungkook started heading to the kitchen after Jin disappeared into the kitchen. "Jungkook?" you ask him before he enters the kitchen and he looks at you. "If you don't mind, can you do a tattoo on me sometime?" you asked and he smiled and nodded and he disappeared into the kitchen as well. You grabbed the trash bag and limped to the door and went outside and threw the trash out. You dusted your hands and walked inside and Jimin grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you to your room.

"We have to start getting you ready. Jennie won't be able to come so we have to start from now so you are ready when the guests are here." he said as he tossed you your towel on your face.

"Can you get out so I can undress and take a shower then?" you asked and he crossed his arms on top of his chest. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked Y/N." he said and you smacked him.

"Yah! Ok ok, I will leave. Call when you come out of the shower and put the bath robe on ok?" he said as he exited the bathroom. "Whatever mom." you rolled your eyes and closed the door and undressed yourself and took a shower. You washed your hair and the make-up on your body.

You dried yourself and put the bathrobe on and put on the towel around your hair and walked out of the bathroom. Jimin wasn't in your room so you opened it and saw Taehyung passing by your room.

"Hey have you seen Jimin? He said to call him when I finished showering." you ask and he shakes he nods.

"Namjoon had called him for something. But what do you need from him?" he asked and you looked at his eyes.

"He was going to help me prepare myself for tonight. I'll just wait for him." you smile and he nods and pecks your forehead and goes back on his tracks. You go and sit in front of your mirror and you touch the hickey on your collar bone and your neck.

Jimin walks in and closes the door and starts your look with your hair first.

After Fixing You (which took about two almost three hours)

You stood up in front of the full body mirror and a smile climbed up to your lips. The dress was navy blue with silver designs and it reached half of your thigh. Your whole back was exposed making the wings tattoo visible and all of the other tattoos. The one of the forget me knots was a bit visible when you sat down and a little bit on the side. Your make up was simple but beautiful and your hair was up in a messy bun.

"What about the hickeys! You didn't cover them!" you said worried and Jimin shrugged. "Taehyung said to not hide them. He wants to make sure that the visitors know you belong to someone. Put your heels on and stay put while we all get prepared." Jimin said and you were about to complain but Jimin left you. You put on your heels and the jewelry that Jimin left on the drawer.

You sat down on the make up table and started covering most of the hickeys when Taehyung came in and you turned around startled.

"Didn't Jimin tell you to not cover them?" he says as he walks towards you. "He did. But there are too many." you said as you turned around to keep covering them and he holds your hand and you stare at him startled.

"Leave those two." he says and you put the stuff away and look at Taehyung trying to fix his tie. You stand up and he backs off and you do it for him and tighten it.

"How do I look?" he asks and you stare at him and bite your bottom lip.

"Honestly you look hot." you said and you both chuckle and he pecks your lips. You stare at his eyes as he wraps his arms around your waist. "Who are these people?" you ask him and he sighs.

"They are someone important people. If we can make a deal with them we will have somewhere safe. Maybe even have our own family." he says and you frown.

"Safe? Like some other company? I thought this was our safe place." you said clearly being a bit annoyed. You were touched about how he was already thinking about a future with you. But you weren't ready. And you obviously didn't wan't to move out again.

"I know baby and I am sorry..." he says almost whining and you pout. He gives you a peck on the lips and smacks your butt softly making you jump a little. You guys look at each other when the doorbell rings and the whole house hears it. You guys walk out of your room and you close the door and you all walk to the living room when Namjoon opens the door and you saw her face.

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