{9} 💕 Hair dye - Yoosung 💕

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God I hate dying my hair

Yoosung signed, staring into the mirror as he picked at his hair, his brown roots showing through his honey blonde hair. He really couldn't be bothered to dye the roots again. To be honest, he was surprised it had lasted this long but he'd been so stressed with school and was so tired that he really couldn't find the energy to do it.

He was so focused on picking apart his hair that he didn't even notice you entering his dorm and putting your bag against the wall as you walked into the room. You look at Yoosung and smile, sneaking behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. He jumped at the sudden contact before looking behind him and realising it's you.

"Oh Y/N! You're early, I was just... checking the roots of my hair" he nervously laughed, blushing as you turned him to face him and started looking through his hair.

"Hmm" you audibly mutter to yourself before making your decision.
"How about I dye your hair for you? I've done my own a few times and you must be stressed from school so you deserve a break!"

Yoosung looked at you shocked, she wants to dye my hair? Who wants to dye hair, it's tiring, especially if it's not even yours.

"I would love that! Are you sure though? I don't see why you would want to dye my hair..." you just laugh and drag him to the bathroom.

You sit him on the edge of the bathtub and grab all of his hair dye "equipment" while he watches you grab your things. You turn around and catch him staring at you, a blush still covering his face from earlier. Cute.

"It looks like you washed your hair earlier so that should be fine, oh and you may want to get your phone, just in case it gets boring" you tell him softly.
"O-oh yeah"

You mix the dye while he gets his phone and by the time he's back and sitting on the bath again you've got the dye ready.

"Just the roots right?" you ask, Yoosung nods in agreement, leaving you to part his hair and start coating the roots.

"Sevens in the chatroom" you laugh,
"He's not convincing you that you have an incurable disease again is he?" you question, remembering Yoosung's little chocolate milk binge after Seven tricked him into thinking he had the "Pass Out After Coffee Syndrome" even though it's complete bullshit.

He just pouts as you move onto the next section of hair and coat it in more dye,
"I thought I was gonna die! It's not my fault Seven's smart so I just believe anything he says..." you scoff, mentally dying at how gullible he is.

"It kinda is your fault Yoo, but hey, you're cute so all is forgiven!" you see him blush and stop texting in the RFA chatroom, you stand back to look at him properly. Just to make sure you didn't kill him with that comment.

"Yoosung...you okay?" you laugh before suddenly being pulled forward and kissed gently. He held your cheek and waist as you tried to make sure none of the dye got on you or him. I'm not ruining these clothes mate.

You pull away, slightly breathless and red faced at how sudden that all was,
"As much as I'd love to carry on with that, I've gotta do these roots" you say with a chuckle, as Yoosung does the same and starts texting in the chatroom.

After about 35 minutes of doing his roots you had finished his whole head and let it set. Finally.
"Now we just need to wash it out" you say, clapping your hands and turning on the shower. You take off the shower head and make sure it's the right temperature.

"Lean your head back Yoosung, I'm not trying to get us both soaking!" you gently push his head back and start washing out the dye. You both laughing at different inside jokes, despite how red faced and awkward Yoosung felt about the situation. Heck, he felt like he was going to burst into flames any second. Play it cool Yoosung, it's just your incredibly pretty girlfriend washing your hair.

"All done!" You say, clapping your hands and quickly grabbing a towel to dry his hair with. It was peaceful. You weren't thinking about anything else, just you, Yoosung and this damn hair dye. Nothing could change this relaxed atmosphere.

You then stop drying his hair and leave the room to grab a hairdryer, telling him you'll be back soon when...

God fucking damn it Yoosung.

You quickly run back into the bathroom to see Yoosung had fallen into the bathtub with a bunch of shampoo and conditioner bottles. You laugh and quickly take a picture with your phone, that's one to show the RFA.

"Hey! That isn't fair!" Yoosung pouted, seeing you put your phone away and tried to get out of the bath, only to slip and fall back in, causing you both to burst out laughing again.

"Alright, get up you mope!" you laugh, giving Yoosung your hand to help pull himself out. Only to your shock, he quickly pulls you in the tub with him, making you land on top of him.

You playfully slap him and laugh, blushing at the awkward position in.

Fucking Yoosung, we're so close!

Yoosung also quickly realises the position you're in and blushes heavily before kissing you again, muttering softly in your ear.

"Karma for taking pictures"

Authors Notes:

Hey! It's been a while?
but also not really :/

I hope y'all enjoy it and stay safe even if you can see all your family!
and get lots of chocolate

Anyway, once again it is 3am when I'm writing this so for all I know it's complete and utter shite but I tried so fuck it 😌

Feel free to leave some requests
also tysm for 100+ reads ❤️

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