{11} 👀 Jealousy - Saeran 👀

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*I haven't played Another Story so this is completely different to the canon version of Saerans ending but I hope y'all enjoy anyway*

You'd finally done it.
You and Saeran had finally escaped mint eye.
You were free.

No more cells.
No more elixirs.
No more Rika.

You two were currently in the back of one of Sevens cars, with Jumin and Zen in the car too. Seven was driving with Jumin in the passenger seat and Zen was sat in the back next to you. Saeran was sat next to you with his head on your shoulder and arms around your waist tightly.

Let's just say he's gotten a bit...possessive since the RFA got here to get us from mint eye.

"So...you two are dating?" Zen questions as you look at him and raise an eyebrow. Of course you were fucking dating, you were all over eachother.

"Yes, we're dating" you say, grabbing Saerans hand to almost show him off. You didn't feel like talking since Saeran had been tense since everyone got into the car and your main priority is him.

If everything he'd said about the RFA is true then you were going to be careful.

"But he kidnapped and starved you" you nod as Saeran glares at Zen, it's not like he was proud of it but he also didn't like people reminding him about it more than he reminds himself about it.

Everyone in the car was tense and Seven was looking back at Zen in the mirror almost to tell him to stop before he take it too far.

Saeran speaks up, being short tempered and not liking the situation in any way.

"Got a problem with it pretty boy? Cause I can kick your ass into next Tuesday so don't try anything funny you're just jealous that your simp ass can't get a girlfriend," Saeran spat, while tightening his grip on you.

You were also glaring at Zen too. If anyone pisses off your boyfriend, they piss you off too. Maybe it was contagious? who knows.

Zen rolls his eyes,
"Whatever, I just want the little lady to know that I can be a better man and treat her well!"

Saeran scoffs while you mimic sick poses and laugh at Zens sorry attempt at winning you over.

"You literally start running at the mention of cats and have a rat tail for hair Zen, I don't think you can say much about being a 'man'. Thanks for the offer but no thanks" you manage to say in between fits of laughter, as Saeran smirks at Zen and kisses you on the cheek.

Seven then speaks from the driver's seat, "Hey Zen, maybe you should cut it out, we'll be at my house in 10 minutes and I'd rather not have a dead body in my car" Zen nods, deciding not to go against Seven when he's so emotional right now.

*Time Skip brought to you by longcat dancing to girls just
wanna have fun*

The rest of the car ride was in silence, with you and Saeran holding each others hand and trying to comfort eachother without saying anything and giving eachother mini kisses.

When you finally get to Sevens house, you and Saeran get out of the car hand in hand and walk into the gates, surprised by the size and security of it. However, on the inside there was rubbish scattered all over the floor that consisted of Honey Buddah Chips and Dr Pepper mainly and there were random computer parts littered anywhere that there wasn't rubbish....interesting.

"Hey Saeran, can we please talk?" Seven says, making Saeran growl and roll his eyes.
"I don't want to talk to you!"
"Please. Let me explain. You don't have to forgive me and you can hate me but I let me explain myself first... please Saeran."

You squeeze his hand and smile at him, as if to say it's alright so he gives in and goes into a separate room with Seven. You really did want him to make up with Seven, no one would do what he did without an explanation and you didn't want Saeran to live his whole life asking himself why his own brother left him with that horrible person. Not that you blamed Seven at all.

You decided to go up to your shared room while waiting for Saeran and walk in to find Zen already there.

"...Zen, I'm really not in the mood. Please just let me get used to this house in peace and get out of mine and my boyfriend's room."

This man was going to make you lose 20 years of your life in one evening if he kept this up.

He turned around after hearing your voice and walked towards you, making you glare at him. He stops and stares at you.

"Are you really happy with him? He's not forcing you to stay with him, is he? You should know you're safe now, you've got the RFA by your side," he then reaches out for your hair but you manage to grab his hand before he can.

"I'm good. Thanks for the worthless reminder though! You should be off now Mr Narc" Zen puts his hands up, as if to try and prove he was innocent and smiled before walking out of the room, making sure to bump into Saeran as he entered the room, clearly frustrated.

"What was that about Y/N?!" Saeran spat at you from across the room, rage and jealousy radiating off of him.

"Nothing! He was just being a narc per usual and I kicked him out! You know I would never leave you!" Saeran slowly started walking towards you until he was right in front of you, pushing some hair behind your ear before using his hand to push your head up and force you to look at him.

"You sure princess? We wouldn't want a pretty girl like you to piss me off now, would we?" you gulp and nod as his free hand slowly creeps down to your waist.

It's been a while since he's been like this,,,

not that you were complaining.

He chuckled in your ear, sending chills down your spine as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. A blush crept onto your face as your mind started to race, thinking of all the possibilities this could end in.

Suddenly, he grabbed your throat and pinned you to the wall, making you muster out as much of a moan as you could in your current... predicament.

"Good girl..."

--•Authors Notes•--

okay so it's official,,
I'm never writing smut

yk what, let's not even talk about it.

also I lowkey had a good idea for a 707 fanfiction but me and my 30 second attention span could never write a whole book so that probably won't happen.

AND this was a request from -mukuro for a jealous saeran oneshot so I hope you enjoyed! sorry it's so late 😳

for anyone interested requests are still open so feel free to comment any you have!

stay safe!

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