Iris (난초)

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Nari could barely contain her excitement as she stepped off of the plane. After 10 long hours they were finally here! America! She gripped Namjoon's hand and took a deep breath.

"You excited?" The boy chuckled, "Welcome to New York, my darling."

Jin popped up behind them, "You're gonna love America so much! It's like the marketplace but wayyyyyy bigger! And the food here is amazing. Tonight we're gonna have the best sushi in the entire world."

"America is very exciting, yes," Namjoon agreed, "But it's very dangerous too. There's going to be some rules you have to follow, okay?"

"Ugh, there's always rules," Jungkook complained and opened the door to their taxi.

The older boy took a seat beside Nari in the cab, sandwiching her inbetween himself and Taehyung, "Rules are important, especially now." He met the girl's eyes, "Rule number one: Never go anywhere alone. I always want you to be with one of us or a member of our security team."

"Got it." She nodded.

"Rule number two: You'll need to talk in English as much as you can," Namjoon continued, "People here don't understand Korean, like, at all. That goes along with my don't go anywhere alone rule. I know that you and Suga have been watching Stranger Things, so maybe try watching without Korean subtitles tonight. It'll help. We're going on Good Morning America tomorrow and you'll definitely need to speak English there."

"God, Namjoon, she's only been in America for 5 minutes and you're already taking the fun out of it," Taehyung exclaimed and swung a supportive arm around the girl's shoulders, "Rule number three: Have fun! Relax dude, you're stressing too much. Take a nap, spend some time to yourself, I'll take Nari to the Rockefeller Center for ice skating and you can join us when you've calmed down a little."

Namjoon sighed, "You're probably right. I always get stressed out before big interviews." He turned to Nari, "Is that good with you?"

"Uh huh!" The girl nodded excitedly, "You should rest. Don't worry, Tae will take care of me."

The taxi stopped in front of the hotel and Namjoon opened the car door. "Is there anything else that you guys need before I go?"

"Nope! We're good." Taehyung replied, "Come join us when you feel better!"

Namjoon yawned as he entered the hotel, taking his room key and bags from Rika. Everyone else was out enjoying the city so he was guaranteed at least an hour of alone time. Good. The rest of the week was going to be so busy, it would be nice to catch a breath for a little bit.

After a short trip up the elevator, Namjoon unlocked the door to his room to see that Suga's luggage was already laid out on one of the two beds. He preferred to room with Suga out of anyone else during overseas trips because of their similarly introverted personalities. A door by the closet connected their suite to Nari's room as well. It comforted Namjoon to know that she would be close by.

The boy collapsed on the soft bed and pulled out his phone. Now that he was finally alone, there was a call that he had been dying to make.

"Hey! You're here!" A sweet female voice picked up.

"I'm here," Namjoon answered and smiled, "We just landed in New York like 10 minutes ago. I'm already exhausted."

"I bet," The woman replied sympathetically, "Did Nari do okay on the flight over?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Takeoff made her a little nervous, but other than that, she did really well. She's out ice skating with Tae now, I'm planning to join them as soon as I'm done talking to you." Namjoon's voice softened, "I had to beg for it, but we have a day off on Friday. I really want to see you, Chels. It's been forever."

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