Sunrise (해돋이)

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For the first time in almost a month, Nari woke up with a sick feeling in her stomach. She groaned and rushed out of bed, stumbling through the darkness, and managed to make it to the bathroom before it was too late. The girl sighed. This was starting to get old.

She slowly made her way back to bed and found Namjoon sitting up, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "Hey," He greeted her softly, "You okay?"

"Yeah." Nari answered quietly, "I'm just tired of it, you know?"

The boy tenderly kissed her head, "I know, darling. I know."

"Sorry for waking you up," She apologized and leaned into his frame, "You can go back to sleep if you want to. I'll be fine."

"It's okay, don't apologize. I was going to get up early anyway, " Namjoon assured her, "Do you want to watch the sunrise with me, Nari? It's almost 6:30. We're just in time."

Nari nodded and stood up, remembering his words from the night before about the little house in the countryside,  "Yes. I would love to."

"Good. Grab your shoes, let's go."

The two rode the elevator down to the lobby in comfortable silence. Nari held Namjoon's hand and looked up at him as he hummed softly to himself. His bleached hair was messy and she could still see traces of his eyeliner from the night before, but the girl didn't mind. He was comfortable and she was too.

Crisp New York air filled her lungs when they stepped outside and she took a deep breath to take it all in. Even thought the sun had just barely risen in the horizon, the city was still so full of life. Taxis raced down the streets, billboards shone brightly, businessmen in suits whizzed by them talking on the phone in a language that Nari could barely understand, and there were more people walking dogs that she could count. Seoul was just as busy, but somehow this felt different.

Finally feeling safe, she let go of the boy's hand. He smiled and kept a watchful eye on the girl as they maneuvered the city sidewalk. She wondered if Iris was looking at the same sunrise as they were. Probably not, they liked to sleep in, but it made her feel just a little happier knowing that there was still a possibility. As her thoughts absorbed her, the girl's stride fell a bit behind Namjoon's.

"Hey there little lady," A strange voice called out, startling Nari as she tried to pinpoint where it originated. A strange, disheveled man appeared by her side and whistled as he placed a blackened hand on her shoulder, "You're a little young to be in New York City by yourself, dontcha think?"

"Hey shitbag! She's with me!" Namjoon snarled with more viciousness that she had ever heard from his usual kind and gentle voice as he grabbed Nari's hand before she could respond, "Leave her the fuck alone before I call the god damn cops!" He pulled her forward with a protective tug and stormed away with the girl in tow.

"What a pedo. People like that make me fucking sick," He mumbled angrily to himself and then turned to Nari with all hints of malice gone from his tone, but not releasing his grip for a second, "Are you okay, my darling?"

She nodded and took a shaky breath, "I'm fine. It's just, I didn't know you were that scary."

"I try not to get that way," Namjoon replied, "But when it comes to protecting the people I love, I fight back. That guy was a creep and if I could I would have beaten the living shit out of him right there and then." He managed a short laugh, "Sorry, I know I'm being hypocritical since I'm always the one scolding the other boys for swearing. Forgive me, Nari."

"No, it's okay," His companion answered and winced as she felt the dirt beneath her skin rise to the surface once again, "I guess I should be used to it. You know, considering what happened in the past and all."

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