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"Senior prank night has officially been busted." Klaus smiled, entering with Elena. "Karson, what do you have here?"

"Oh, just two kids. No one will probably notice that they're gone. So, whatever you wanna do to them is free game."

"Karson?" Elena questioned, "How are you here? What are you doing?"

"Well, Elena, I am glad you asked." I smirked, "I was rather bored. And to be honest, I wan pained watching Klaus desperately trying to make his hybrids. So, I finally told him you were alive... and, now we're here."

She shook her head, "No... you wouldn't do that. You wouldn't risk this."

"Wrong! Stefan and Damon wouldn't have risked this. But, where are they? Do you see them?" I laughed, gesturing to the empty gym, "Right now it is just me, you, and my friend here. And these two losers."

Just as Klaus and I shared a smile... Bonnie and Matt came storming in. Not too long after, Rebekah dragged in Tyler. I smiled even more devilishly.

"May I?" I asked, sending Tyler a glare.

"Karson... what are you doing?" Bonnie pleaded.

"You see, this is Rebekah. Klaus's sister, she has a bit of an attitude and she plays VERY hard to get." I winked.

"What about Caroline?" Elena pushed.

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh... you mean this guys girlfriend?"

"It wasn't like that." Tyler ensured.

I laughed and shook my head, "Enough chit chat. Klaus wants his hybrids to work. Due to Bonnie's powers... things didn't go as planned. So, now, we need her to undo whatever it is she did."

"What're you talking about?" Bonnie asked.

"For Tyler." I smiled, forcing him to drink a blood vial from Klaus and breaking his neck, "I hope you can undo your spell fast. You see, without this being fixed... Tyler's transition won't work in his favor."

"I like this game. Better get to it." Klaus smiled back at me and turned to Rebekah, "Take care of Tyler in the meantime. Karson, go with her. Or don't."


"What happened to you?" Caroline cried, not keeping her eyes off of me.

"I trusted you for starters." I shrugged, "I think I've moved on though."

Her eyes traveled from mine over to Rebekah. Her eyes started to fill with tears. I smirked and let out a laugh, making my over to Tyler's body. He burst awake, searching all around. He was confused. His eyes landed on me and felt scared.

"What's happening?" He pleaded.

"Go ahead, Caroline. Fill in your new boyfriend." I smiled.

"They're turning you into a hybrid." Caroline informed.

"Don't leave out the hotspots." Rebekah smiled, "It only works if the transition completes."

"Oh, that's right!" I laughed, pulling out the tube of Elena's blood, "Go ahead. Blood of the doppelganger and your transition will be complete."

Caroline pushed me back and was begging Tyler not to drink it. I scoffed and handed the blood over to Rebekah for her to handle. I let out a breath and took a hold of Caroline and held her back. She tried to fight me off, but with all of the blood I had been feeding on I was by far stronger.

"He'll die regardless, sweetheart." Klaus rolled his eyes. "Drink."

Finally, Tyler gave in and finished off the blood. His body began to transition and shift as he fell to the ground. His eyes glowed a golden brown color and his fangs grew sharp. However, unlike the other transitions, his eyes didn't start to bleed. His eyes showed the veins. The transition worked.

"She doesn't have to die." I laughed, "It just has to be her blood."

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