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I am so sorry I have kept you guys waiting so long! Please forgive me!


I watched as Stefan did everything in his power to get the thought of blood out of his mind. Push ups, pull ups, anything he could think of. Damon joined us, being his typical self.

"There's nothing wrong with drinking from a blood bag!" Damon sighed, "You aren't actually killing anyone."

"He has his reasons, Damon. Back off." I rolled my eyes, taking the drink from his hand.

"And what are those reasons?"

"I have this under complete control!" Stefan sighed, crossing his arms.

"Okay, well, I'm bored!" Damon groaned, snatching his drink from me.

"Stefan, you sure you're okay?"

"100%" He smiled, leaving the room.


"I shouldn't be here." Stefan mumbled, looking at the founder's party.

"Oh, come on, don't be a downer!" Damon teased.

"I liked it when you hated everyone." I scoffed.

He placed a hand onto my shoulder, "Oh, I still do! I just love that they love me! What about you, Stefan, holding up okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Really?" Damon pushed, "No cravings? Hunger? It's all fine?"

"Damon, he said he was fine, okay? Let it go!"

I pushed off his hand and followed Stefan inside to the home. We made our way to the room that had a DJ playing older music, and Stefan was not handling it well at all. Stefan ended up having the music changed and was joined on the dance floor by Mrs. Donavan. I sighed and took a drink myself, being joined by Elena.

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked.

I shrugged, "I really don't know, Elena... The Stefan you know is only part of Stefan. And as much as I hate to say this... Damon is right. There's a side to Stefan that you haven't seen yet, and you won't like it. But, it's always going to be a part of him."

"Has he ever been like Damon?"

"We all have." I replied, locking onto her eyes as worry set in.


I made my way through the house, sending smiles to people I wasn't familiar with. I stopped when I saw Jeremy sitting by the fire and my heart froze. I hadn't seen him since I killed Vicki. I took a breath and joined him.

"Little Gilbert!" I smirked, "What're you doing in here?"

"Vicki was buried." He started, with a confused look, "There has to be more to the story yet NO ONE is trying!"

"Jer, the coroner said it was an OD... what else could it be? What more can anyone do?" I sighed.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." He stated.


"So, Jon has the same ring as Ric?" I questioned.

"I snapped his neck, threw him off the roof, and he came back 5 minutes later!" Damon scoffed, "So, yeah, I think so!"

Before we could continue to talk, Stefan answered. And he looked awful... his hunger was becoming too much for him.

"Stef, what happened?" I asked.

"It's the hunger, isn't it?" Damon mocked as he placed a glass of blood down, "The need is too strong this time."

Damon left and Stefan kept eyeballing the drink. I clenched my jaw and stepping in front of him as he reached for it.

"Stefan, don't. You don't need it! You can beat this." I promised.

"I can't." Stefan sighed with pain, and his eyes changed, "Get out of the way, Karson."

"Stefan..." I pleaded.

He locked onto my eyes, and his eyes continued to turn. I went to take a step towards me but he launched me across the room instead. I sat up on my elbows in time to see him drink the entire glass of blood...

We were losing Stefan.

Oh, Brother ~~ The Vampire Diaries FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now