Chapter 1

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Disclosure: I do not own Doctor who, if I did then this would have happened for real.

The doctor pushed the insatiable girl into the Tardis, sparing a glance at the clock that had just struck 12. He followed her in with one thought in mind - getting away from her bedroom, from her time, so that they could work out what was happening, 'and for those of us that can't read the base code of the universe?' Rivers question rang through his mind but he still couldn't bring himself to answer, not now he knew it had something to do with his Amelia. Amy was waiting for him, leaning against the Tardis console in a provocative manner. The doctor licked his lips, still tasting her, before moving off. He ignored her for the time being, sending the Tardis to float in space while he worked this out. Step one, deal the an insatiable Amy. Step 2, save the world, potentially.

Once they were stable, floating in the middle of nowhere, he turned to the girl who hadn't moved. "I understand Amilia, I do. Don't get me wrong, you're not unattractive." At this the doctor spared a quick glance to look her up and down. She was attractive, but that didn't make this any less foa bad idea. "But I am very old, a different species, and yes - it's been a while. I don't do one time... things. Ha, although the last me seemed to enjoy it, but that's besides the point." He was rambling now, but he had a point. Amy was watching him intently, slowly striding towards him, and he, in response, moved back. He held out a hand to stop her before trying to speak but she cut him off.

"Okay, then let's not make this a one time thing. Let's just see where it goes. I want you Doctor." She said before smiling and lunging at him. He skipped backwards in response running around the console.

"Look, I know what you want, you want what you could never get with Rory - excitement, danger, mystery, in a word 'me'. But as you said, it's been a while. If I start... I don't know if I'd be able to stop. I can restrain myself now, like I always do. But if I let my guard drop, even for a second, you'll have wormed you're way in so completely that I don't think I'd ever be able to let you go." He said slowly, trying to get it to sink in. She had to stop, before he couldn't.

"What makes you think I'd want you to stop," she said with a smirk, a smirk that oozed of sex, her desires, of everything her; the deviant little minx.

"You're getting married in the morning." He said, and that one sentence said it all. He needed her to be sure, or he'd never forgive himself. "Go to your room, think it out. IN FACT, I know, 24 hours. Okay. We won't move, I'll keep the Tardis right here, away from everything. Get some sleep, go... um... go masturbate, get rid of those hormones and think this through with your brain rather than what's between your legs. We won't talk about it, we'll act completely normal, for exactly 24 hour. If you still want it then, then we can discuss it. Okay?" The doctor said, almost on the verge of panic. This was the only thing he could think to do. Well, this or drag Rory on board and as much as he tolerated Rory, he would certainly make things difficult - boyfriends always did.

Amy paused, as if considering this. The doctor held his breath as Amy deliberated. "Okay, fine. I guess that's a good point. But don't expect me to talk to you again until then. I'm mad at you." With that, Amy spun, hair whipping around behind her, as she stormed off.

"Okay then," he muttered to himself. He walked up to the console, pressing a few buttons to stabilise their drift. Once finished he moved off towards the library, he needed to clear his head.


The doctor sat, book in hand, on one of the comfy chairs in the library. He'd been there for a few hours and hadn't actually read a single word yet. Apparently, the swimming pool had moved, the space now occupied with chairs and tables. How utterly boring; although, it was probably better for the books. As much as he tried to stop it, his thoughts kept drifting to Amy. He'd known, if course, right from when he'd picked her up that she wanted him - although, it was never this strong. It seemed to be becoming a habit for him, picking young women who inevitable became romantically or sexually attracted to him. Well... except Donna - but she was the exception to the rule, well, she was the exception to most rules. He pulled his thoughts away from there, that would only lead him to a dark place. He was sorely tempted to check in with her now, she wouldn't recognise him and he kind of missed Wilfred - the man who would be proud to be his father, the man HE'D be proud to have as a dad. Yes, he must really check in on them, but not now. Rose, Martha, and now Amy all had a thing for him. Rose was the only one he'd let himself care for, the only one he almost admitted to loving. He was somewhat glad he never actually said those words, glad the other him got to say it for him. He knew, if he'd uttered those three words back then, he'd never be able to let go. He would have broken down the walls between universes, consequences be damned, just to be with her. That's the thing about timelords, when they fall in love, they fall hard. Martha had been different, a part of him liked the fact she had a crush on him, like a balm on the scar Rose had left. It made him feel needed, wanted, it was almost like he was trying to replace her. But he couldn't, he was almost glad when she left. But he wasn't that guy anymore, he still loved Rose (of course he did) and yet, it was almost like it was someone else who had loved her. In a way it was, he was different now, even if the same at the core. The hole she had left had become a scar in the back of his mind. And now there was Amy, trying to worm her way in. The doctor knew he could love her, she was too amazing for him not to. She was brilliant, everything he wanted. But he wouldn't let himself fall for her unless it was what she truly wanted. She was meant to get married 'tomorrow', and yet, she had waited. She had waited for him. She had run away with him.

He tried not to let himself think, he didn't want to be disappointed if she chose Rory - that would be so very wrong. He dared not hope she wanted him, in fear of the pain it would cause.


The doctor was standing in the console room, hands braved against the railing as he waited for Amy to make her presence known. Once he heard her, he stood, hands clasped behind his back studiously ignoring his fingers betraying him as they crossed in hope. She walked slowly into the room and paused several feet away from him. Her cheeks were red and she was looking down, the doctor tried not to work out what was going through her mind, tried not to pick up the odd stray thought that he psychically caught.

"Um, thanks.. thank you for um, stopping me. I was mad at you, I'm not any more. I understand why you did it. I needed to think things through," she looked up then, meeting his eyes, evidently growing bolder. "It's just, I love Rory, I know I do... but I've loved you so much longer. It started out different, I was in love with the idea of you. But since spending more time with you, that's changed. I don't know if what I feel for you truly is love, it's all so confusing. But... I think... I choose you over him." She said stepping forwards, the doctor stepped back in response.

"You think? I'm sorry Amy, I need a more definitive answer than that." The timelord unlocked his hands to brush them through his hair in frustration.

"No, sorry, that came out wrong. Right now, I choose you over him. But I don't know how this will change things, so I'm uncertain," Amy said, walking briskly forward to catch the doctor against the railings. He didn't fight it, let her take control for now. This was her decision.

"What ever you want. I've already offered you the world Amilia, I've offered you the whole of time itself. How you choose to take it is up to you," he said leaning back, trying to make some distance between them so she could understand the gravity of the situation.

"I want it all," was the last thing she said before taking his lips with hers. This time, he didn't fight it, he let her take. She started out gentle, then when she realised he was letting her, dove in like she was starving. The Doctor felt himself relax into her giving as good as she gave before taking back control. He grabbed her by the hip, spinning them around, until she was the one pressed against the railings before pulling back. She smirked at him, hands coming up to caress his chest through the shirt.

"You said it's been a while. Sure you still know how to pleasure a girl or have you gone rusty." She said smirking, the challenge evident in her voice. He smirked and leaned into her.

"I may not have done this for a long time, but I've travelled the universe. I've seen more, done more, than you could possibly imagine. I know exactly what makes girls tick, I know exactly what you want," he said, his smirk becoming predatory, his eyes growing dark as he leaned in even closer. Amy felt her heart beat rise, a small part in fear, but mainly in anticipation. This is what she wanted, not the restrained doctor, but what was hidden within. The oncoming storm. "You like it rough, you like it to hurt, you like the pleasure to be so extreme it makes you scream. You're like fire, a stamina to rival my own, and yet you want to be controlled. You spend all your life trying to be in control, and no one can take it away. You're personality won't let anyone take control, except for me. You want me to make you beg, scream, cry for release. You want it all, and you want it now. But I'm the one in control now, you wanted me, now you've got me. The question is, can you keep up?" He almost growled in a husky voice against her ear. She felt a shiver run through her, her legs almost giving out but the doctor's body held her up against the railings. She was fighting a losing battle and she knew it. But she needed to push further, to push him over the edge. So she uttered two words with the last bit of defiance she could muster.

"Prove it."

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