2 || Rescue Mission

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I barely slept a wink. The rescue mission was seeped into my brain, trying to figure out the ways that this plan could collapse. In the beginning, I was prepared, even optimistic, about this plan, but waking up and getting closer to leaving, I wasn't so sure. I could never admit to Thomas that I started to have doubts, not with how close we were to get our friends back and also with how far we had come in six months.

The few of us that were going on this mission were setting up their trucks, getting all of the equipment they needed. I had my gun loaded and the truck packed with extra ammo and weapons for the others.

I huffed a sigh. "This can't go wrong," I told myself.

I was loading the truck that I was planning to drive when Aurora came over. "Nervous?" she asked me.

I shrugged. "A little. It seems like now that the day is here..."

"I get it," she said. "I know you're ready to see your friends and boyfriend again."

I rolled my eyes. "Aris isn't my boyfriend."

Aurora chuckled. "Yeah, okay." She strolled away, getting more supplies for the truck.

I thought about Aris a lot while he was in WICKED's hands. I hoped he was okay and wondered if he thought about me as well. The idea that WICKED was messing with his brain to find clues for a cure for the Flare made my blood boil.

He was going to be okay. He had to, for my sake.

As soon as I finished loading the truck, Vince came around. "Okay, Newt, your group needs to head out! Harriet, Frypan, you as well! Where's Thomas?" he walked around, looking all over for Thomas.

"Piper," Gwyneth said from behind, making me turn around to face her. "Get any sleep last night?"

"Not at all."

"Same." She paused, then went on. "We're gonna get them back."

I looked at my friend and nodded my head. "Yeah, I hope so, Gwyn."

Thomas approached us, looking breathless already. "Okay, we're heading out. Jorge and Brenda left not too long ago."

We nodded and hopped inside the truck with me driving again. Aurora jumped in the back, her gun strapped over her shoulder. "Alright, all set?"

"Yup," Gwyneth replied, loading her gun. "Now let's go rescue some sticks."

I started the truck, feeling my heart already pumping hard as I waited for Vince and Thomas to get prepared. Once they headed out of the camp in their truck, I hit the pedal and sped out of the camp to catch up with them.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't crash before we get to the train!" Aurora shouted.

"Duly noted!" I shouted back, getting closer to Vince and Thomas.

The drive to the train felt long, no matter how fast we were going. Over the hills and bumps, it was all familiar to me. It had been for the last six months and hopefully, it would be the last time I came driving around here.

All of a sudden, the train whistle echoed in the distance. The plan was officially in motion.

"Faster, Piper!" Aurora shouted from the back. "I'm ready to make this train rattle!"

I obliged and hit the gas again, my truck just behind Vince and Thomas'. Now going as fast as I could, my adrenaline was pumping at the same speed. I gripped the wheel tighter, not wanting to lose control of the truck, with my nails digging in the leather fabric so hard it began to hurt my hands.

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