Prologue (1)

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Asha's P.O.V. (Age 4)
"Asha, what are you doing in my research?" My big brother asked me. I looked up at him smiling as I took a break from reading his notes.

"Studying alchemy, Nasser, like you," I said cheerfully, "Look what I can do!" Confused, my brother nodded as I started to draw a circle on the floor. He took notice that some of the symbols were different.

"Some of those aren't alchemy, Asha," he pointed out to me. I only grinned.

"I know, it's not," I replied, "now be patient, I'm almost done!" I placed my hands on the circle etched into the dirt floor, focusing on the use of the two techniques. My hands began to become warm as the circle let off blue sparks. Quickly I covered my eyes with my hands, feeling their warmth seep into the skin of my face. I smiled, knowing I did it again; I quickly opened my eyes, my once scarlet eyes replaced with an emerald green. "Ta-da!!!!" I threw my hands up in the air, proud of my work.

Nasser looked at me in amazement, "Asha, you were able to change the color of your eyes?" He asked me.
He looked closely at my eyes, noticing they were indeed completely green. His look of shock morphed into pride, amazement, joy as he took me into his arms and raised me up in the air. "That's incredible!!!!"

I grinned at the joy on my big brother's face, thanking him silently. Hearing footsteps coming towards the room, Nasser set me down so I could I quickly change my eyes back to normal and wipe away my transmutation circle. As soon as the circle was gone, my second older brother had pulled aside the curtain to Nasser's study. He looked at me with a serious face.
"There you are sister, I just wanted to let you know that I am going to go train with Master, Mother and Father have gone to the market. I expect you to read the scrolls of Ishval while I am gone," he said, although he was always so serious, his eyes showed gentle compassion.

"I will, Mahdi," I said lovingly, although I kept my fingers crossed behind my back.

Mahdi nodded at me, ruffling my hair with his large calloused hand. He patted Nasser on the shoulder, "Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if Asha begins to bother you, alright brother?"

"Don't worry, little brother," Nasser laughed, "I'll be so absorbed in my work I wouldn't even notice if she began to sing." Mahdi nodded his head, taking that moment to leave. Nasser and I sat in silence for a while, even after we could no longer hear Mahdi's footsteps. Nasser then looked at me, a twinkle in his eyes, "Want to learn more about alchemy?"


—Age 9—

"You let our little sister learn alchemy!?"

"She kind of learned it herself, little brother. Plus, she was doing so well I didn't have the heart to tell her to stop."

"Brother, sometimes I fear the day you have children of your own."

I could not hear what my brothers were discussing from my spot across the room, but I could read their lips.
"Brother, she is amazing at alchemy, she's been able to do so much for our village. Like you said, every bit of help counts."

"That does not make up for an excuse that a nine-year-old girl, our baby sister, has been doing work that could get her killed! Even if it's for the sake that we can escape before the Amestrians come here!"
The Amestrians. Ever since they invaded our lands and started attacking us, I was using my alchemy to disguise myself and plot out an evacuation route. Mahdi only learned of this now, however, when I came home late with the map I plotted out for tomorrow's evacuation. I knew I would have to go ahead hours before to make sure it was still safe. I smiled to myself, as I had successfully memorized my brother's transmutation circle, gazing at the perfect drawing on my arm. My brothers looked over at me, their firm gazes melting as they saw the gentle smile on my face. Mahdi let out a heavy sigh, "And you are certain that she will be safe?"

"I promise, I swear to Ishvala."

"Hey Nasser?" I asked as I approached him with one of his books. Mahdi stepped out, knowing he could not convince me to stop, nor having the heart to ask me to stop.

"Yeah, little star?"

"Could you teach me more alchemy?"

"Of course!"

-Time skip-

Everything was perfect!! Those stupid Amestrians haven't even gone near my evacuation route! Excitement sparkled in my "green" eyes as I rushed to my home, holding my hood in place and my pack of Nasser's alchemy books on my back, eager to tell everyone we could leave. I was also excited, because I hoped that whenever we next stop, I could ask Nasser to look at his notes. However, when I rounded the bend, that excitement soured at the red painted road.

Everyone was dead.

"Mama?....Papa???.....Nasser!.... Mahdi!!!!" I screamed, only choking back the tears when I heard footsteps coming my way. In a rush, I dove under my mother's body, hiding myself in her robes and blood as I saw a man with raven black hair and a white tank top round the corner. His eyes were black and cold. I held my breath as I saw him look right past me.

"Could've sworn I heard something," he murmured to himself. I felt my heart stop for a moment as he took a step in my direction, but the sound of someone gasping and running the other direction stopped him. I watched with fearful eyes as I watch the man turn around and give chase to whoever fled. Letting out a sigh and a silent prayer for his next victim once I knew he was gone, I slowly crawled out from underneath my hiding place and ran for the escape route, tears streaming from my eyes.



How long have I been running for? Since when did the earth beneath my feet turn green? I don't know, but I don't care. I need to keep running. I have to keep running. My body screamed at me to stop, begging for food, water, rest, anything but more running. My mind however, told me to never stop, I had to keep running. I needed to keep running. It wasn't easy, I was almost spotted several times by the Amestrian soldiers, but thankfully, they paid no mind to me because of my "green" eyes, as well as the fact my snow white hair stayed covered by my dusty cloak. I barely slept, any time I did it was only for a couple of hours in the dirt before I started running again. I kept running, even as the day turned to night, even as it started to rain. My eyes ached from keeping them green for so many days, they screamed for relief, so I stopped for a moment and drew a circle, quickly changing my eyes back to red. Rubbing one eye with my hand, I took a look at my surroundings for shelter from the rain. I settled on a house with an automail shop sign on the front. Settled up close to a plant beside the front door, I used my slightly tattered pack as a pillow, and my cloak as a blanket. I thought of my family. Mother's cooking. Papa's singing. My brothers' bickering. Mahdi's religious lectures. Nasser's lessons. My hand slightly clutched to the pack, every detail of my brother's special transmutation circle in my head.

"I wanted to learn more from you," I whispered as a tear slid down my cheek. I sat there for awhile until the soothing rhythm of the rain and the crickets' songs lulled me into a deep and much needed sleep.

Completely unaware of the figure that opened the front door and carried me and my belongings inside.

—————————Author's note————————
Hi guys! It is nearly 2am EST, we are currently under quarantine and I have class work to do online, yet what am I doing on Wattpad? (*mumbles under breath* besides procrastinating and taking months on the latest chapter of my first fanfic) Well like I said if you hadn't read the announcement on the previous page, I wanted to put out at least one small part of this idea I had for about two years now involving the FMA:B universe. I hope you enjoyed this little teaser/experiment thing, and please let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this.

I love you all!

Bye for now!

Steel bound AlchemistWhere stories live. Discover now