Chapter 14 - Sectionals Results

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Two days later...

Rachel's POV:

"Okay, everyone. Now that sectionals are officially over, we can all take a deep breath and be very thankful that that stress is over. But, now? We have a much bigger stress on our hands. Regionals." I say with a smile on my face. I couldn't believe that we had really won sectionals the day before. I mean, the feeling was an absolute rush. Yes, we have won every year now, but this year is the most important!" I say with enthusiasm to everyone as we all wait for Mr. Shue to walk into the choir room, and everyone looks at me like I have three heads

"Rach, I don't mean to be a debbie downer on your plan to start rehearsing for Regionals, but, a lot of us are still celebrating our win at sectionals! I mean, I don't know about everyone else, but I thought that we were gonna come in second behind Grant High School. Their set was amazing!" Kurt says to everyone, and they all agree. I nod my head in agreement, but we still have to start practicing for regionals.

"Yeah, I gotta agree with Kurt. They were amazing, and their soloist blew it out of their water! Santana chimes in, and I sigh

"Guys, as much as we want to hold on to this sectionals win, we've done it every year. Every year we celebrate too much on the fact that we won sectionals that we never prepare enough for regionals. That's exactly what cost us the win during Sophomore year, and last year, I think we were extremely lucky to have won that, seeing how distracted everyone was at the time. I think we just have to focus on Regionals, and listen to everything Mr. Shue has to say today because I'm sure he already has our setlist for regionals picked out" Finn says, and gets up to stand right next to me. I smile at him and hold his hand, and then he kisses me on the top of my head. It felt good having back up in these kinds of situations where everyone would just call me a control freak that's obsessed with winning as they did in Sophomore year.

"Finn and Rachel are right, you guys. We have to prepare more than we have in the last two years. For most of us, this will be the last time any of us step on a regionals stage! We need to give it out all." Quinn says, and she looks at me and smiles, and I smile back. It feels good after all that drama last year to have Quinn back by my side. Just as I go to say something to Quinn, we hear footsteps coming into the choir room, and Finn and I rush to our seats to see what Mr. Shue has planned for us. To everyone's surprise, Ms. Pillsbury walks in with a nervous look on her face

"Hey Ms. Pillsbury," Mercedes says confused, and we all look at Ms. Pillsbury with the same look.

"Um, not to be rude or anything Ms. Pillsbury, but where's Mr. Shue?" Sam asks, and Ms. Pillsbury takes a deep breath and sighs

"Listen, kids. There's been some, uh, issues in Mr. Shue's life that are going on so he has taken a couple of personal days to figure it out. He told me to come here so I could observe you guys, but, he told me that you are basically making your own setlist for Regionals" She says, and my eyes open wide

"Wait, when is Mr. Shuester coming back?!" I exclaim, and she sighs

"He told me he is coming back three days before Regionals," She says, and we all look around at each other like our world just crumbled

"Wait, so, he expects us to just come up with a setlist without him, and without his help? Are you kidding me?" Santana says, and Ms. Pillsbury sighs

"I will still be here supervising you guys, since you guys can't be here unattended. So, if you really need to, you can ask me. I've spent enough time with Will to know a thing or two about glee club. But, he said that he wants Brittany and Mike to come up with the dance moves that can go along with the songs you guys choose. He also says he would like the group number to be all-inclusive, as in everyone has their own part in the song" She says, and I look down at the ground.

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