Chapter 12- The Answer

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Rachel's POV:

"So Rachel, will you accept my promise ring?" He asks, and I just keep staring. I was staring at the ring, at Finn, and just thinking of how romantic of a gesture this is. He really cares about me. I mean, this is him promising himself to me. And, if I say yes, I'm doing the same.

"I... uh... I-"

"You don't have to answer now if you don't want to. I'll give you time to think. But, I can't wait too long" he says, and then I feel guilty for not giving him an answer. Here he is, promising himself to me, and here I am, questioning it

"No, Finn. You don't have to wait. I know my answer" I say, and take a deep breath.

"Yes." I say, and Finn smiles the brightest he's ever smiled. He puts the ring on my finger, and then I smile too. We kiss and then hug, and I'm the happiest I've ever been

"Best birthday party ever" I say, and then Finn and I both realized that I've left my own birthday party. As we walk back to the choir room, I keep admiring the promise ring. It was gorgeous. And, I was content with saying yes. Finn and I were meant to be, and this just confirmed it more. We get to the choir room, and as we walk in, I stop

"Wait a minute.... do they know that you did this?" I ask him

"Maybe..." he says, and walks in. I follow behind him, and when I walk in, everyone was looking at me like they were waiting for an answer. I looked at Finn, laughed, and then held up my hand

"I said yes!" I exclaim, and the room erupts in an uproar. I get hugs from everyone, and so does Finn. It felt good being this close with everyone. After everything that's happened, I was perfectly fine with this being my life from now on. I love Finn so much. I was happy knowing I could promise myself to him, and that he could do the same. Him giving me this promise ring, gave me even more for the future than I already had. I mean, sure I was worried that this promise ring wouldn't mean anything to us in a few years, but to me, that's the beauty of the future.

"I'm happy for you, Rachel" Quinn says to me, and I smile.

"Thanks Quinn" I say, and hug her

"We're cool, right?" She asks me, and I laugh

"Yeah, we're cool" I says, and she smiles back at me. I walk over to Mr. Shue, who is standing in the corner of the room

"Hey Mr. Shue" I say, and he smiles at me

"Well hello Rachel. I take it that this birthday party is pretty good?" He says, and takes a sip of his water bottle

"Yeah, yeah It's pretty great. Thank you for being here. You've been with me every step of the way. And, I thank you for that. But, Mr. Shue I have a question" I say, and he looks at me confused

"What is it Rachel?" He asks me

"Well, This is glee club after all. And, we have sectionals coming up. I was wondering, If you could not feature me for sectionals again this year" I say, and he looks at me surprised

"What? Well, may I ask why? You always want to be featured" He says, and i smile and look around the room

"I think there's more people that deserve it" I say, and look at everyone in glee club

"Okay. I completely understand. Here, go take a seat. I have an announcement to make" He says, and I sit down

"Everyone, I know that this is a fun party, but can we all take a seat?" He says, and points to all the seats. Everyone comes and takes a seat, and Finn sits next to me and kisses me on the cheek

"So, everyone, I know we're all having fun, but, we do have to talk about something serious" Mr. Shue says, and everyone looks around confused

"As all of you know, Sectionals is next week, and we have honestly, not prepared for anything. But, nevertheless, we will prevail. I already had ideas four who would sing and what they would sing, but, those ideas changed tonight because of.... something. Anyway, now that I have no ideas, we need to spend the time we have right now to come up with ideas for sectionals" He says, and everyone raises their hand

"Uh, yeah, Artie?" He says

"I think that Rachel and I should do a duet. I mean,. We basically had one when glee club first started in Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat, I think we would sound great together on stage" He says, and Mr. Shue and I look at each other. We both knew what he had to say

"Um, sounds great, but maybe not for this competition. Actually, I wanted to give someone else a chance to be featured, if they wanted to" He says, and everyone looks around stunned. But, eventually, at one point or another, all of their eyes met with mine. I smile at each and every one of them, and I look back at Mr. Shue

"Tina, I believe that you haven't gotten a chance tho sing at a competition, correct?" Mr. Shue asks her, and she looks at him surprisingly

"Uh, yeah, I've never sung by myself on stage" She says, and Mr. Shue smiles

"Perfect" He says, and looks around the room. "Tina, would you like to sing a solo at sectionals this year?" He asks her, and the brightest smile comes over her face

"Of course I would! Oh my gosh, thank you Mr. Shue!" She exclaims

"It's no problem Tina! Now, there's our featured soloist, but now we need a duet." Mr. shue says, and looks at me. I sigh, and nod

"Our featured duet is going to be.... Brittany and Santana!" He exclaims, and Brittany gets a huge smile on her face. Santana looks back at me, and smiles.

"Thank you, Mr. shue. Do you know what we're singing yet?" She asks

"I do actually. You will be singing hello by Adele" he says, and they both smile

"Oh my gosh. Santana we're gonna sound amazing!" Brittany exclaims, and Santana laughs.

"Our group number will be a classic. It's going to be.... How to save a life by the fray!" He exclaims

"Mr. Shue, those are excellent choices for Sectionals" I say, and he smiles

"Hold on.... Rachel. You're not at all upset that you're not getting featured in this years sectionals?" Artie asks me

"Nope. I've learned that there's way more important things I could be doing then worrying about getting a solo for glee club." I say, and everyone looks at me weird

"Okay everyone. With everything that has gone on this year, we don't have too much time to prepare. Sectionals is next week" he says, and we all start to freak out

"A week!? Mr. Shue, I'm not going to be able to prepare myself to sing on stage alone in a week! Give the solo to Rachel! She can do it, not me!" Tina starts to tell

"Tina, you'll be fine! Stop freaking out!" Artie yells at her, but it doesn't work. Everyone starts to freak out, and Mr. Shue sighs

"Everyone, we are going to start rehearsing today! Everything will be fine! Tina, go with Rachel and rehearse your song. Santana and Brittany, come with me and we will rehearse your duet. Everyone else, I've already given Mike the choreography to go over with. Okay? Now let's get started!" He says with a smile

"Uhm, Mr. Shue?" Tina Asks

"What is it Tina?" He asks kind of annoyed

"You never gave me my song" she says, and he smiles

"Right. I'm sorry Tina. You are singing Too Little Too Late by Jojo" he says, and Tina's face lights up

"Oh my gosh.... I love that song... okay. I got this" she says, and gets up and stand near the piano. I get up and meet her by the piano, and we get started. I could tell that everyone was way more excited for this sectionals, because everyone got a chance to be involved. I couldn't wait to see the smiles on everyone's faces when sectionals was here.

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