In Your Dreams

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Hoseok x Reader [ft. Namjoon]

Genres: Angst and fluff

Word count: 3,924 words


You're here again. In the all-consuming darkness, and honestly you're not sure if your eyes are closed or if you are simply in a place where light does not exist.

You'd say there is an absence of not only light, but also heat – the chill from the surroundings threaten to seep into your bones and freeze your insides. However, this wouldn't be true. There is a warmth that surrounds you, comforting, warming, reassuring you in the disorienting pitch-black space that is alien to you.

This warmth, like everything else here, is mysterious to you. You're desperate to reach out and touch it, but you're unable to move. The source is unknown to you, and it is baffling how you can feel the warmth while feeling and knowing that everything else around you is mind-numbingly cold. Like being in a warm bath in a bathroom in winter with no power – no light, no heating, the bathroom tiles chilling to the touch.

Again, panic starts to set in when your efforts to move, to do anything, really, are met with failure. Your brain is commanding you to scream and struggle but your muscles are simply not cooperating. You try and try but nothing happens. You want to cry in frustration yet the tears can't seem to materialise either. Until you feel a force pulling you...

... and you wake up. Frowning, you lifted your arm to cover your eyes. The sunlight is muted by the blue curtains but it is still blinding after the total darkness that was your dream. Slowly, you adjusted to the reality where there is light shining though the windows and heat coming from the radiator, and you stumble into the bathroom to take a shower.

A while later, your roommate finds you at the dining table, a blank look upon your face as you cradle the cup of coffee that is slowly cooling in your hands.

"I'd say 'good morning', but I have a feeling that only applies to me," she says teasingly.

Her words snap you into action, and you mumble "mmhmm" before sipping your drink. Mornings after that recurring dream always put you in a quiet, contemplative state, and your roommate knows you well enough to pick up on it.

"Did you have that dream again?" She asks with concern in her voice.


She pours herself a cup from the coffee pot and sits in the chair facing you. "You've been having the same dream for months. Maybe you should go see a doctor."

"And tell the doctor what, that I have dreams when I sleep?" You scoffed. "It's normal to have dreams. I don't even have it every night." You gulp down the rest of your drink and push your chair back to wash your cup.

You could tell that she wants to argue, so you quickly grabbed your backpack with a "See you later!" And head out to campus.

The day drags on, with you having trouble focusing on the lectures, the dream consuming your thoughts. At one point during the last lecture of the day you just stop taking notes, causing your friend to tap your shoulder to bring your focus back to the lecture.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon whispers, glancing at your less than half-filled notebook. You peek at his; he has filled it with small, neat handwriting and is about to turn the page to start on a new one.

"Damn, I totally spaced out." You sigh as the lecturer dismisses the class. "Can I borrow your notes?"

Namjoon flashes you his trademark smile with dimples and hands his notebook. "Sure. If there's anything you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask."

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