Refreshed [M]

21 1 0

Hoseok x Reader

Genre: Fluff and smut

Warnings: Outdoor sex


"Do you hear that?" Hoseok asks you, cocking his head towards the open window before slowly leading the car to the side of the road and stopping.

At first you grunt an accent without actually trying to comprehend what he said. You don't mind too much that he woke you up at the crack of dawn for a quick hike up the hill not far from your house but now that you're on your way back, you just want to get some sleep. Then you hear it. With Hoseok turning off the car engine, you can hear the sound of flowing water in the distance, but just barely. You wonder if he has super hearing on top of his many other talents. "Yeah, I can hear it."

Upon hearing your confirmation, Hoseok brings the car back to life, only to drive it off the long stretch of road into the shade of the trees. "Come on," he says as he gets out of the car.

"Wait, where are you going?!" You call out in frustration. He only waits long enough for you to get out of the car so he can lock it with the remote before he is bouncing off into the forest. You try to keep up, and in the end he comes back for you and takes your hand to walk with you towards the sound.

It doesn't take long for you to see the source of the sound. The trees parted to reward both of you with the stunning view of a stream, crystal clear and unpolluted by people. You are rooted to the spot for a few seconds, drinking in the breathtaking sight while Hoseok quickly strips to his boxers and getting in.

"Come on!" He urges you again, but you plant your hands on your hips and shake your head. "Nuh-uh. I don't want to get my clothes wet. I didn't bring any extra."

"Nothing wrong with a little skinny dipping," he grins.

"No way!" You exclaim, scandalised, but the lure of the water is too tempting, so you maneuver your hands to take off your bra without taking off your shirt as well as your shorts and slowly wade in in your shirt and panties.

Hoseok smiles at you approvingly before splashing you with ice cold water. You shriek and return the favour, quickly getting soaked from head to toe, even though the water isn't very deep and you don't dip into the water past your shoulders.

After some time enjoying the water, you're tired out, and leave Hoseok still horsing around to head to one of the huge boulders on the edge of the stream to relax. It's a little slippery though, combined with the mossy surface of the bottom of the stream and your own wet body, and you struggle to climb upon it. Suddenly you feel Hoseok's strong hands lifting you up onto the boulder. With his help, you get on it up fairly easily.

You turn into a sitting position to face him and smile. "Thanks." But you don't realise that your white shirt is now transparent, your nipples made hard by the cold water, straining against the drenched material. Hoseok looks up at you, admiring the sight for a moment, and quickly clambers up to sit beside you.

"I thought you're going to stay in the water a while longer."

"I was, but then..." he doesn't bother to finish his sentence, pulling you into a kiss instead, one hand cupping your face gently while the other holds you at your waist.

Your surprise only lasts for a second before you're giving yourself into his kiss. Feeling you soften in his embrace, he deepens the kiss, the hand on your waist slowly travelling up to your breast. His thumb grazes across your nipple, making you gasp and shudder at the delicious contrast between the cool boulder and his body heat.

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