Unexpected Encounter

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Hoseok x Reader

Genres: Fluff

Word count: 1,197 words

Looking at the watch on my wrist, I tried not to sigh out loud. I was going to get an earful from Makino, that was for sure. If only I didn't stay up late finishing work last night, I wouldn't have overslept today. However, there was nothing I could do but stand in line and wait for the train to arrive just like everyone else.

My less-than-enthused thoughts were interrupted by a bubble of happy laughter from behind. The sound lifted my heart, but the deeper, male voice that followed it made me turn around. I knew that voice.

Sure enough, right behind me was Hoseok, my crush from marine biology class. Holding his hand was a small girl, perhaps six or seven years old, giggling and pointing at the shapes that the shadow of his hand was making on the floor. "A dog! It's a dog!" She exclaimed, and instead of following her wide, excited eyes, I looked at Hoseok's hand, admiring the way his long, graceful fingers bent and twisted to form various forms in the resulting shadows for his tiny companion to guess. As much as I'd like to greet him, I was loath to interrupt their playtime. So I kept watching. Their laughter filled the otherwise quiet space and I knew I wasn't the only one smiling as I looked on. Then finally Hoseok looked up from the girl's face to meet mine.

The way his expression shifted from amused laughter to wide-eyed surprise, then to a pleasant recognition was funny to watch. "Oh!" My heart skipped a beat when he said my name, clearly remembering me from class. "What a coincidence. Looks like we're taking the same train. Where are you stopping?"

It delighted me when his face brightened up even more as I told him the name of my stop. "Hey, we're headed there too! Are you going to the seaside park?"

I shook my head, but the crowd made a lot more sense now. It was a school holiday, which explained why there were so many people waiting for this train. One of the stops was right in front of the large, beautiful park by the sea, an ideal destination with a myriad of activities perfect for a day off for people of all ages. "I'm going to meet up with a friend staying close by, but I'm guessing you're going to spend some time at the park with your little friend?" I asked, tilting my head sideways to flash a grin at the small girl clutching Hoseok's hand, staring up at the grown-ups' conversation with unveiled interest.

The girl grinned excitedly as she nodded, revealing a set of pearly whites with one missing tooth. Before any of us could say anything else, though, a female voice announced the imminent arrival of the next train and soon it came as promised. In the rush of the passengers getting off the train and the subsequent chaos of the people boarding, I lost track of the two of them. After settling in the seat I'd managed to get, I looked up to immediately spy Hoseok's companion already standing on her seat, surveying the coach to find me. Once she caught my eye, she waved so enthusiastically that it earned her a soft reprimand from Hoseok. "Hey, you're going to topple over if you do that!" Even though I couldn't see anything but the top of his head, from the girl's restricted movements I could tell that he was keeping a tight hold on her. Giggling to myself, I responded with a small wave of my own right before the errant child was pulled down by her guardian.

The train ride, although relatively short, would have been boring and uneventful if it wasn't for the pair. I didn't have to sit next to them to be entertained. Hoseok was clearly doing his best to keep her as quiet as possible to respect the other passengers, but the girl's excitement just couldn't be contained, though it didn't seem like anyone minded in the least. Having a window seat to herself, it seemed that every single thing that could be seen grabbed her attention. On the other hand, Hoseok's responses to the things she pointed out were set somewhere between exasperation and amusement. After a while, she started asking for food and drinks, probably needing replenishment thanks to her continuous commentary. The reply that she got from him made me ponder the differences between this Hoseok and the one I knew from class; the guy I knew on campus was popular, friendly, and loud himself. Today, it seemed that someone had taken over his personality, leaving him to be the stern yet kind parental figure. The disparity left me smiling unconsciously as I heard him offer her a piece of chocolate to tide her over while reminding her not to disturb the other passengers. Their relation wasn't clear to me, but more than that I wondered, was this how he would treat his own children in the future?

I decided that I wouldn't mind seeing that future for myself up close. With a blush decorating my cheeks at that self-indulgent thought, I sat back in my seat, letting the girl's enthusiastic voice and Hoseok's melodic tone lull me into a peaceful daydream-like state as I stared out the window at the view that captivated her so.

In no time at all, it seemed, I had arrived at the station and surrendered my ticket, just like the crowd that got off with me. Once more I'd lost sight of Hoseok in the hustle and bustle. Well it didn't matter anyway, I thought as I stared at the road that sprawled along right in front of the station. A stone path lined with sakura trees followed the narrow perpendicular stretch of tar, leading the way to the park that I knew laid beyond even if I couldn't see it. Despite being well aware that it was an exercise in futility, I scanned the scattered groups of people already walking in that direction. As expected, Hoseok and his charge were nowhere to be seen. Without thinking, I let out a sigh.

"Maybe we can go together next time." The statement was like the wind blowing past me, almost indiscernible, a fleeting moment among the sands of time. Yet I managed to catch it, and my mouth gaped in disbelief. By the time I could react, the speaker had already walked past me, heading towards the park as well. Only the child holding his hand looked around to wave vigorously at me. I was too shocked to respond to her, but fortunately I caught a glimpse of the side of Hoseok's face. The blush that coloured it was the only indicator that I wasn't imagining his invitation.

I wish I could tell him how much I'd love that, but they were already too far along the path, walking amongst the fluttering pale pink petals. So I allowed myself a smile before I hurried off, remembering that my friend wouldn't be pleased to find me standing, grinning stupidly by myself, daydreaming about a date with the cute guy from class.

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