If It's You [M]

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A one-shot based on a request from Tumblr!

Hoseok and You

Genre: Fratboy Hoseok, fluff, smut and a little angst thrown in for good measure heh heh

Word count: 7, 205 words


Crossing the threshold of the house felt like stepping into a different world. The music was so loud it felt like the whole place was thumping in time with the beats. It was not usually your scene but when your roommate, Amy, asked if you wanted to go to the party with her she didn't have much persuading to do. You had just finished your finals, you deserved a break and socialise after being cooped up with books for so long and maybe kick back a beer or two.

So here you were. You smiled and greeted the other students you knew as you delved further into the house, letting Amy lead you to the spacious living room. It didn't feel very big now that it was packed with a large amount of people chatting and dancing with no organisation whatsoever as it typically was at this sort of gathering.

An hour or so later found you still in the same room, not having moved much from your original spot where you leaned against the wall, talking to some of your friends about plans for the break. Your legs were aching from standing too long and you'd give anything to be able to sit down on the couch you were sure was in the middle of the room somewhere, but so many people had been crowding it that you hadn't even been able to see it most of the time.

Then a group of people finally shuffled off to gift you with a view of the couch. However, it wasn't the furniture that caught your attention, but the people sitting on it. One particular person, to be exact. The people flanking him on either side did not matter to you; you were instantly drawn to the man sprawled on the couch, his body lean and relaxed. His hair was not quite blonde, perhaps it was the lighting in the room playing tricks on you but it looked peach; a colour you'd brand silly on anyone else, but on him it seemed fitting and suited to his tanned skin.

He tilted his head right at that moment and caught your eye. That was when you decided that just as his hair colour suited his tan, his slightly darkened skin matched the sunny smile that he flashed you even more. The curve of your lips hitched upwards reflexively as you returned his intense gaze with your own that was filled with wonder. Never had you felt so drawn to someone before, and it was not just his looks either, because you'd met guys who were drop dead gorgeous yet didn't feel the pull that you were experiencing now.

You were unsure if he thought that you were as magnetic as you found him to be, but you knew that his gaze was piercing you longer than necessary, spanning almost a minute before he leaned on his side to say something to the girl sitting next to him, never taking his eyes off of you. The girl's expression took on a look of surprise, then she nodded and walked out of the room. His grin turned into one of proud triumph as he patted the vacant seat, motioning for you to come over and take it.

Although he had not bothered to give a second glance at the girl who just left his side, you had followed her with your eyes curiously, wondering if she would come back to reclaim her seat. Your interest in him outweighed your politeness though, and you thought to yourself; It's a party, not kindergarten, there are no assigned seats, as you bid your friends goodbye to go and plop yourself down next to him at the end of the couch.

"Hi," he greeted you, not wasting any time chatting you up. "How come I've never seen you around?"

"I don't go to parties much," you told him the simple truth. "What did you say to her?"

"Hmm?" It took him a few seconds to understand who you were talking about. "Oh, that girl sitting here before? I told her that Taehyung's drunk in the back and she'd have a better chance at getting him into bed than with me."

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