c h a p t e r 13

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Addison's point of view
I open the door and I see Bry holding a plushie elephant to him, cuddling it to his chest and crying more tears. "Hey" Bry says in a shaky voice. aw, I feel so bad.

I mean, I don't understand what's going on, but I don't want him to feel any pain.

I wish I could take that pain all away, and get back the smirky, charming, and handsome Bry, who made my cheeks red and my smile big.

I close the door behind me, and I say in a teasing tone "Was I replaced as your cuddle buddy?" I see him show a smile as he sat up from his lying down position.

He pats the spot right next to him, motioning for me to sit down next to him. So I sit next to him and look him in the eyes.

His eyes, once filled with charm and overconfidence, were downturned and vulnerable to all hurt that could at him. "Bry, what's wrong?" I say as I see him turn to me.

"They didn't tell you?" Bry said, his voice cracking on the verge of tears.

"Well yeah..." I told him "they said it was just some dumb beach par—" I try to find as I hear Bry interrupt me in anger, yelling "IT'S NOT JUST A DUMB BEACH PARTY!!!" I get scared, and he recognizes this so he quickly regrets it.

"I'm sorry, it's just I thought that they understood that this day is special to me, because they understand what happened...." Bry leads on as he holds his elephant to his heart.

"Well what's the story?" I say, as I see him lay back down in bed. "You wouldn't understand 1. 2 it's a long story. Please just get out of my sight. NOW!" Bry says, anger taking over sadness.

I have never seen him like this. I get up and walk to the door, knowing he wants to be alone.

But as I turn the knob, I turn around and close the door. "No" I say. "No?" Bry said.

"I'm not gonna leave and let you wallow in sadness, shutting away the world from your problem when I don't even know what it is.

So here's what's going to happen. You are gonna tell me why you're upset, and I am gonna make you feel so happy that your face will hurt from smiling" I say, with attitude.

I see Bry look at me in awe. He checks his phone. "It's a long story, and it's 11:30" Bry says in a tone that kinda sounds like a sarcastic "oh darn, we're running out of time! Let's just go to bed now!"

I get to the bed, and I get under the covers as I lay down with Bry. "Good thing we have all night then huh?" I say, pulling his body close to me. He scoffs as he pulls my waist into his body.

"If you're sure, I guess we'll begin."
4 years ago
Bryce's point of view
Dear Diary,
Hey yo it's Bryce again! I am 16, going on 17, and I am enjoying my life so far. I just got 10 mil on TikTok and my birthday is a couple days after playlist, so I gotta go big for 17!

My parents are running errands with my 5 year old sister Amy. Honestly Amy is the cutest thing ever. She has this medium and a little bit big stuffed plushie elephant that is bigger than her, but it's still so adorable.

I was thinking maybe this year I will take Amy with me to playlist. I know how much she loves big events and meeting new people. Ok well I have to start packing for playlist! It is in three days, and I haven't even started. Until later.
I closed my diary and I put it in my drawer. Then I began packing for playlist and I then heard my parents coming inside.

I go to the front door and I put the suitcases I have next to it, so I can just leave quicker. I go to give my parents a hug, and as I look around I don't see Amy anywhere.

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