c h a p t e r 14

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Addison's point of view
I sit down on the couch and tell them everything. As I begin to finish, I see long faces grow upon them. "Aw gosh, I feel so bad!" Nessa says, crying into Josh's shoulder.

Josh holds her close to him, silently comforting her. "Dude we really fucked up" Kio says, running a hand through his hair.

He takes out his phone, sends a text, and puts the phone back in his pocket. Nessa does the same, and minutes later they both check their phones again.

"Looks like I'm going" Kio says, as he puts his phone on his lap. "Same here" Nessa and Josh say in unison.

I look around the room as I see smiles appear on their faces. I text Bry and tell him to come downstairs.
Text chat with Addison and Bryce
Bry come downstairs!
Please! For me?🥺
Ok fine. on the way
Bryce's point of view
I wish I didn't have to go downstairs. I don't wanna look at these people right now. But, it's for Addi, so I take the elephant and trot down the stairs.

As I get to the living room I see they are all facing me, and I just can't help but look away. Josh moves over to make room for me, but I just take a seat on the floor, and hold my elephant close.

"Bryce..." Nessa starts to say but I cut her off "are you guys happy? You know, with the decisions you made?" I say with sadness. "Well..yes Bryce we are" Nessa said.

"That's all I needed to hear" I say with anger as I move to the stair case until I hear Josh say "Ness, we didn't even get to say the good news. Or why we are proud of our decision!" I turn back.

"Why?" I say, confusion taking over me. Are they happy that they aren't coming? "WE ARE GOING!" Kio, Josh, and Nessa say, screaming at the top of their lungs.

I listen, and I smile. Everyone, except for Addi, jumps up and screams "SURPRISE!" I run to them, put my elephant on the couch and do a big group hug.

"But wait" I say, looking at Nessa. "What about Josh meeting your parents?" "I scheduled it for a different time, just for you" Nessa says, slightly touching my shoulder.

"Kio? I know how important your girlfriend is to you since you guys are always long distance. Spend the time with her" I say to Kio.

"She'll be at the beach with her friends so I get to hang out with her and you" he says, hanging an arm around my shoulder.

I turn back to our group hug and smile. Then Nessa puts her pinky in the middle. "This gives me deja vu" I say, and everyone begins to laugh.

"Let's promise to never ever forget about today, and to always be friends. All of us, no matter what, we stick together" Nessa says, keeping her pinky in the middle.

We all put our pinkies in the middle, but we stop. "Something doesn't feel right" we all say in unison. We turn around to see Addi still on the couch on her phone.

She looks up at us and smiles. "Get in here Addison! You're apart of this too!" Nessa says, holding her hand out. "No I can't, this is your moment" Addi says as she pushes her hand away.

I was not gonna take no for an answer. "addison addison" I say in a soft whisper, and it soon turns into a whole chant from everyone, trying to hype her up. "ADDISON ADDISON ADDISON" Addison rolls her eyes and grabs hold of Nessa's hand and gets in the circle and we all shout hooray.

All our pinkies are in the middle, and we hear Mads say "Sway Forever on 3!" ONE TWO THREE SWAY FOREVER! We go into a group hug, then disperse into our rooms to pack.

We all pile into the car, and by then it's 2 pm. "Great timing guys!" Josh says from the back. I look back as I see Josh, Nessa, Addison, Mads, and Jaden all squished together and Kio in the passenger seat.

All our stuff is in the back. I am about to turn on the car when I hear Kio say " Addison can we switch? My back is uncomfortable in this seat"

"it's not gonna get better back here but sure" The back door opens, and I see Kio turn to me and wink. He mouths "you're welcome" to me as he exits the car and enters the backseat.

Addison enters the passenger seat, and Kio erupts "thanks Addison! My back feels so much better back here!" I roll my eyes as I finally turn on the car and move out of the driveway and into the open road.
Addison's point of view
Halfway to the beach, Bryce pulls up to Burger King, and it's like he read my mind because I was starving. We all order our food, pay, and eat.

Then Bryce pulls over and tells Josh he has to drive now. Josh groans as he gets behind the wheel.

He is about to drive when I say "Nessa can we switch? The sun is hurting my eyes here!" A confused Nessa says "Of course. Anything for you?" as we switch.

Me and Kio fist bump as he whispers to me " you get the vibe" i turn to him and say "I saw what you were doing earlier."

Kio puts on a surprise face and says "I did nothing! My back really hurt!" I laugh as I scoot closer to Bryce. He's sleeping so peacefully, so I decide not to bother him.

Soon only me and Josh are the only ones awake. "Can't sleep?" Josh asks me. "No, I never really been one to sleep on car rides" I say as it falls back into awkward silence.

"Bryce seems to really like you" Josh says, leaving me speechless. "Josh you could wake them!" I say, as I hear him chuckle.

"These people are heavy sleepers. They can sleep through an earthquake" he says making me laugh. "You got that right!" I say laughing.

" Like I was saying, he isn't like that usually. We haven't seen that Bryce in a long time. After we moved into Sway, he became a fuckboy."

"He brought a different girl home every single night and made them leave the next day." As I hear Josh say this, I turn over and look at Bryce and think.

When he kissed me that night, my first night, was he trying to fuck me?

"Addison I honestly have to thank you. Without you, we wouldn't have our pure and vulnerable Bryce back.

"The good Bryce. The Bryce we first met at the beach. The Bryce that got me and my princess together." He stops as he lays a hand on Nessa's thigh, then takes it and puts it on my knee.

I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I could tell it was in a friendly way so I didn't mind it.

He turns back to the road as we pull up to the beach. Josh parks the car, looks at me, and in unison we yell "WELCOME TO THE BEACH!"
• comment your thoughts! and don't forget to leave me ideas for future chapters and vote! love you guys so much and thank you if you made it this far in the story. y'all keep me motivated to post more and more, and I wouldn't be here without y'all. • ✨☁️

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