Finally! My break..wait what?!

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Wc: 1613
(Im so sorry if you don't like long stories but please bear with me bc I love getting people in the feel of a story happening within real life as close as I can get it🖤)

                        Your p.o.v

Basically I'm sitting in the hallway waiting for the person who said I couldn't fight to show up but I ended up skipping a whole class waiting... "Fuck I'm going home, fuck this!" You walk to your locker and open it.
You put your stuff up and close it.

That's when you felt a stinging pain on your face. "Finally!" It was the person who wanted to fight you. "Where were you?! You had me skip a whole class waiting for you!" I yelled at the person. "The fuck?! You are not my mom and I had better shit to do but thanx for waiting cum gusler, let's me know you  were thinking about me."

You punched the person in the face and they just looked at you in shock. "Damn Bryce, out of all the times we fight her you seem shocked" Great... Josh came from the bathroom witch meant that.. "She gotten a bit stronger so why not have a happy family reunion" hearing Bryce say that pisses me off... But scares me on the inside...

I see everyone come out the bathroom and surround me. "You want to call for some friends?" Griffin says pushing me to the floor. "Guys, we all know she doesn't have friends" Josh says as he puts his foot on my face. I grab his foot and pull him making him fall on his back. That was a bad idea though...

He told the group to jump me but I'm not having my last day like this, I have shit of my own that I want to do like maybe be a regular teen for once. I push Josh back down after he tries to get back up and run my ass off! Griffin comes around the corner and pushes me against the locker. The bells ring and I see the other boys running to me to attack me.

"Shit Im fucked.." I try to push Griffin off of me while I still can before the other boys come to kill me but... I was... Saved? [Yaaaaaaaaaassssssss!!!!!! Wait... If I'm being saved it's always by the-] "ALL OF YOU IN MY DAMN OFFICE NOOOOOOOOW!" [Shit... The dean...]

Me and the cast of total shit island are sitting in the principals office, he locked the door and closed the blinds. Busses could be heard and the yells, screams, laughter, and cheers of other people could be heard.. I pull out my phone just for it to get snatched. "Hey!" "Hi ms. Datch!"

I cross my arms and look down at my feet. I could hear giggling and snickers. "Bitch ass small dicks" I heard a gasp and felt a pen being thrown at me. I look up to see who done it but I didn't know. "Who ever threw that pen at me must of stollen it because I know good and damn well none of you do work"

Bryce gets up and the dean yells at him. "Sorry Mr. Dickerson" He says and sits back down.

"Do any of you know why your here?" He looked around and Quinton answered. "Because she likes to play with the wrong people" All the attention was now on me. "I'm not even going to argue.... Fuck that I actually will, IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE ONE AND ONLY BABY DICK BRYCE HALL WANTING TO FIGHT ME AND MAKING ME MISS MY CLASS THEN NONE OF THIS WOULD OF HAPPENED!!!!"

The dean told us to literally shut the fuck up. By this time the school was empty and we were the only ones in the school. "15 of you... It's the last day too.... You know what... I have a perfect idea for all of you" He kinda scared me and I looked at him.

"If you all didn't get along during the school year then you'll get along during the break." Now I looked at him confused and so did some of the boys. "All of you wait in the cafeteria, I have to make some calls and I'll call all of you back when I'm done and don't fuck up the cafeteria." Bryce opens the door and I wait for everyone to leave first so I can be alone.. 'Alone'

The boys are on their phones and talking making jokes making me want mine back but I just mind my business and walk to the cafeteria. I sit on the stage while the boys are doing whatever they do best... Besides stressing me tf out. I look at the clock in here as it says 6:47 "I wonder if he's calling all our parents to come get us..." I talk to myself and I get bored..

I get so bored to where I'm starting to feel sleepy and I end up taking my Jacket off just leaving me in my hoodie. I use my jacket as a pillow and lay on the stage floor. a few minutes later and we're still not called to the front. The laughter of the boys is making it harder for me to sleep. I jump straight up and dust off my jacket putting it back on and walking off the stage.

I looked at the clock 7:58.[ I can't do this anymore... I need something to dooooo] I think to myself. I actually come up with something to do and it's practice my jump shots. I jump from the stage to the ground and run over to where the boys were. Confused looks they gave me but I didn't care. I grab a trash can and run back to the stage. I try to lift it the best way I can onto the stage and hop down again.

There was hella paper on the table that was just sitting there for two months ago asking for a prom.. "Prom... Stupid ass shit" I crumble two or 3 papers and try to make it. They went in for the first 7 times as I was almost out of paper. I decided to just sit on the table.. I actually managed to take a nap on the table but not for too long

The boys took a trash can and dumbed it on me to wake me up... I wanted to fight them but I'm too tired to get up. I look at the clock again 9:10 ... I was about to lose hope and leave school til the principal came in. "Great... Datch is covered in trash and it's time for you all to get on the bus to leave..." He says. "To go home?" I asked. "No shit Dumb nut, where else?" Josh said.

"Actually none of you are going home... 5 of you boys are getting that trash up and while I'm here, I'll tell you what's going to happen." I got off the table, cleaning myself off and walked over to sit down in a chair. "You all are going to detention" He said with a smile. "Woah, your forcing us to stay in school?" Tony asked him. [He has brown curly hair.. Not bad but his brother is badass... Well not as bad as being a helicopter but it's good]

"Well no, not quite... It took me a while but I got a bus to take you all out to a far away nice lovely beach mansion and all your belongings are there already, sadly it's a long drive but nothing too bad.. Maybe like an 8 hour drive." I look at him wide eyed.

His gaze fell upon me and I look away. He places my phone in front of me and looks at a list he bought with him.
"This is a vacation detention, you can have all the fun you want but together as a whole... I really hope this works out" The last part he says under his breath. He reads off the names on the list.
2 Josh,
3 Jaden,
4 Anthony,
5 Payton,
6 Noen,
7 Nick (bean),
8 Griffin,
9 Kio,
10 Chase,
11 Tony,
12 Ondreaz, (watch me spell his name wrong the whole story🤦‍♀️)
13 Nik poire,
14 Quinton,
and Datch the girl.
He tells us to follow him to the bus and we all get on... Bryce sitting with Josh, Tony sitting with his brother, Griffin sitting with Kio, Chase sitting with Noen, Nick sits with Jaden, , Anthony sits with Payton, Quinton with Nik, and that just left me...

"Datch you sit with Quinton and Nik" Mr Dickerson said and I did... I sat by the window and just listened to music. 30 literal minutes into the ride, I get mad sleepy and I fall asleep but the bus kept making me move and I ended up with a pillow felt sensation.. [Did I just... Fall on Quinton?!!?] Im too tired to get up so I just stay there not caring if he pushes me off of him.

I'm waiting for him to push me off of him and it turns out.... He didn't... He left me on his shoulder but idky.. Til I felt his head on me... I jump and wake up, he looks at me and I just stare out the window...

"Your a fucking weirdo...." I don't respond to him but he tries to get my attention but rubbing my thighs but I still ignore him. "Rubbing a random persons thighs is weird" I giggle and lay on the window and sleep the rest of the ride. . . 🖤

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