Chapter 30

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We all reached Cebu by afternoon. We all decided to eat lunch and go to places in Cebu afterwards. We then had early dinner and waited for Mayor Rose and her family to come. We then stayed in a hotel, making sure that it's not the same hotel that Freya stayed.

Early dawn when Tacoy arrived. He then told us the possible plans of Freya in Cebu while waiting for her flight. Morning when we all prepared and rode to the van. We all stayed in the van as Freya went in the Basilica. I also tried to pick a random kid to give the book to Freya. When Freya went to the Magellan's Cross, the kid then went to her. We all went out the van as discreet as possible and I immediately picked the flower I brought for her and went towards the Magellan's Cross.

"Get your girl." The boys then cheered. I smiled and winked at them.

As I went in the Magellan's Cross, I saw Freya, with tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked at my book. Moments later, she closed the book and looked up to see me. I immediately ran out of breath but I immediately kept still, taking a breath.

I'm going to tell her.

No turning back now.

"Hi Freya." I said softly.

She then went towards me and stopped when she realized she was near.

"Hi Harry." She whispered.

"How did you like my gift?"

"I love it." She said as I wiped the tears in her face, "Thank you."

I smiled, "You're welcome. I actually just-"

"How? Why did you-"

This is the truth. And I'm telling you now.

"I started taking photos of you before we bumped in the Spoliarium Freya." I then held her hand, "The moment I saw you... I suddenly found you different. Like good different, from the others. I tried to stop myself from falling. But I can't. Freya, you... suddenly.... Became the best thing that happened to me. I tried to hurt you, to tell myself that I hate you.'s impossible. Freya, Jaime told me to follow my fate and face it. And for a while, I realized that this is why Jaime wrote a letter to Maria and placed it in the Spoliarium. Not just because he loves her. But because I was meant to find it. And I was meant to find you. You are my fate Freya Mavor. You have always been. And that has always been the truth that I'm looking for my entire life."

She started crying as I wiped the tears in her face.

"And if ever I'll be asked to choose every day on what to follow or face, I'll always choose to face my fate." I smiled, "I'll always choose you. Like how Jaime always choose Maria. I'll choose you for the rest of my life."

I then took a breath, bracing myself of what could possibly be the reaction. It's either going to make or break me. Either way, I have to accept it.

But her reaction was unexpected, yet I loved it. She stood on a tiptoe and closed the gap between us. She kissed me and I kissed her back. Her arms snaked their way to my neck, giving me the immediate response to grip her waist and pull her close to me. I then bowed my head and smiled as I kissed her. I told her that she's my fate. And with her kisses, there was no need for words. She's basically telling me that she wants this. That I am her fate too.

Wherever Jaime and my best friend are, they're pretty sure that I fulfilled my promises. I found something lovely in the Philippines and I took care of it, like how it was entrusted to me in the first place.

We then let go, smiles evident in our faces. Her next words sent me in pure euphoria, I even thought I would cry in front of her.

"You are my fate too, Harry Styles." She said softly and giggled.

I smiled even wider with her giggles. I then kissed her forehead and is supposed to kiss her again until....


We both turned to see Tacoy and his family, Macoy, Carmen and Mayor Rose and her family across the Magellan's Cross applauding, "FINALLY." They shouted.

"Guys." Freya rolled her eyes and giggled, with surprise in her eyes. She didn't expect any of this to happen. Then they approached and hugged us.

I then whispered to her, holding her waist, "I brought them here to say goodbye to us." She then turned, smiled, then hugged me, silently thanking me for bringing them for her. Afterwards, we all faced the Magellan's Cross and prayed together, holding hands, as a family. Jaime and Maria may not be seen but we felt them with us, through the memories, through their wise advices and their joy. I then thank God for giving me Freya back. And I promised to keep her safe and happy with me.

This was my best experience in the Philippines. I get to explore the best places, I get to have an adventure, I get to have a family, and I get to find love and fate. I found my second home here.

And I'll never let this home go.

A Journey of Two Spoliarium Lovers: The Other Experience (Journey Series)Where stories live. Discover now