Four: More!?

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We all sat in the lawyers office Jona, Gio, and me sant on the little sofa while Eder sat in the are chair looking rather impatient considering that we have been waiting for the lawyer for over an hour. Ahh great your here i'm
Darren Powell your parents lawyer so they first they left you each a letter.

Honey if your reading this they that means were dead and you probly hate us for leaving you in Brazil with your abuelos but we didn't want you to grow up with paps and cameras all over you. We also wan't you to know that you have a twin brother named Lucas  living in the US with one of your mothers sisters. At that time of our life when you were born your mother and I where going threw a rough time in our  relationship and we didn't want you to have to witness that but we didn't leave you all alone we would send you money but your abuelos wouldn't take it.
You also have the right to now that during this time in our life we weren't exactly loyal to one another and not only do you have 4 brothers but 18 in total. First Lucas, Jonathan, Giovanni,and Eder they are full blood brother. Then you have Neymar Da silva Jr, Arthur Melo, Ederson moraes, and Alisson Becker they are you brazillian half brothers. Then you have 4 spanish brothers Marc & Eric Bartra they are twins, Gerard Pique and Kepa Arizzablaga. Harry styles, Stephan James, and Ryan Beaumont are all from the UK. Toni Mahfud is from Germany Cristiano Ronlado is from Portugal and last but not least Dominic Thiem from Austria. You will probly hear from them soon. We really love you hope you stick with your brothers.
                            Mom & Dad ❤

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