six: The Flight

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Wake up I hears a soft whisper. BITCH WAKE UP!! Jona yelled as he poked my cheeks. Fuck off Jona I say as I snuggle deeper into my duvet. I suddenly feel a gust of cold wind hit my bare legs as Jona ripped the covers off. Get up you lazy ass you only have 20 minutes to get ready before we leve. 20 MINUTES!!!! I yell as I rush into the bathroom I take a shower and but my Louis Vuitton sweater with some nike sweats and slip on my grey adidas and throw my hair into a messy bun and walk out the door grabbing my sunglasses and make my way downstairs to eat breakfast.
Julie's outfit⬇

 Julie's outfit⬇

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Jonas outfit⬇

Gio's outfit⬇

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Gio's outfit⬇

Eder's outfit⬇

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Eder's outfit⬇

Good mornin guys what's for breakfast? Toast hurry were going to miss the flight if we don't leave now Eder frantically said while gathering his stuff and rushing to the car

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Good mornin guys what's for breakfast? Toast hurry were going to miss the flight if we don't leave now Eder frantically said while gathering his stuff and rushing to the car. Drama queen I hears jona mutter under his breath.
At the airport
They rush us past security and got on the plane. I sat next to Jona Eder sat across from us and Gio sat next to him.
Please buckle your seatbelts we will be taking of shortly
I Hesitantly put my seat belt on and grip the side of the seat so hard my knuckles where turning white. Jona looked at me a chuckled lightly. Shut up it not funny I said barely above a whisper. Jona just kept laughing but held my hand any ways and spoke soothing words in my ear.
20 hours later
Julie, Julie, Julie!!! WAKE UP WE ARE HERE. Yelled Jonathan. I got up and looked around and saw Eder and Gio still sleeping and then I looked at Jonathan are you thinking what I'm thinking I say smirking. OHH I thought you would never ask he said dramaticaly as he ran to the bathroom and getting the shaving cream. And I ran to loom for the sharpies. We silently giggled as we drew on Gio's and Eder's faces and put shaving cream on their hands and hair. Cover your ears Jona told me as he pulled out an air horn. RUN!! I told jona as we laughed at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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