Part 18/ .....

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Taylor's pov

The pain in my stomach and legs, continue to grow, my eyes became very heavy. "Taylor please stay awake!" The lady begs, "I need to get to Ro!" I state, "the police has been called, Taylor, now please relax!" She says putting her hand gently on my chest, assuring that I won't move.

I felt a cold object move up my stomach, I look down to see them cutting my shirt off. They peal the bloody shirt off of my body and begin applying pressure to my wounds, I wince in pain. I could feel the blood rush out of my cuts, I bite my lip trying not to scream.

I begin to feel really sick and dizzy, I could hardly focus on anything. There was a sharp pain moving through my chest and up my throat. I begin to cough and my breathing became short and sudden, blood projected out of my mouth, and I was immediately turned onto my side.

My throat became sore, and my head was pounding. Everything suddenly became blurry and noises begin to muffle. I felt so tired, I close my eyes and let the darkness take me.


I was crying my eyes out, I swear to god if they hurt Rosalie I will end them. My tears were salty and streaming down my face, my phone buzzed and I look pick it up off of the seat.

We are meeting in the movie theatre parking lot!

I wipe the tears off of my phone screen and look up at the road to suddenly see bright lights right in front of me. I slam the brakes and close my eyes, my car collided with another.

I am abruptly thrown forwards and out of the car and onto the pavement, shards of glass pierce my stomach and legs. I land in between the to cars and everything goes completely black.

End of flashback

Josh's pov

We run in to see Sam raping Rosalie, anger begins forming in me. Bryce instantly punches Sam and pushes him over. Bryce gets on top of Sam, and begins punching him in the face, blood was pouring from Sam's face. I grab Bryce to try get him off of Sam before he kills him.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around and Ondreaz fist meets my face. I stumble back and wipe the blood from my nose. Ondreaz charges at me, he tackles me to the ground, I put my hands up to my face for defence. He gets on top of me and attempts to punch me, I grab his fist. I force myself up and head butt him in the nose.

He falls back and I push him down so the back of his head hits the floor.

I look over to see Bryce and Sam both standing up with blood running from both of their face's.

Anthony's pov

Griffins leads Jaden, Kio and Ro out to the car. I look over to see Bryce and Josh still fighting.

I watch as Josh gets kneed in the face by Ondreaz, he falls to the floor with blood dripping from his face. I run over and push Ondreaz back, "ENOUGH, I don't want to fight you!" I scream at him. He looks at me like I'm an idiot, Bryce suddenly rugby tackles Ondreaz.

I look back over at Josh to see him lying there. I run over and slide down next to him, "Come on Josh get up!" I say whilst trying to pick me him up.

Bryce's pov

I tackle Ondreaz and punch him, I had rage built up inside of me. I wait for him to stand up and then I kick him in the ribs. He stumbles back and I walk forward, hit him with a back fist, right cross (a straight punch that comes from the back hand), right hook and a left hook to the rib cage.

He falls back and sits on the floor coughing up blood, I smile at him. "BRYCE!" Anthony shouts from behind me.

I quickly turn around to see, Sam kicking Josh in the stomach and Anthony trying to pull Sam off of Josh.

I charge over and kick his knee backwards so he falls over, once again I get on top of him. Anger built up in my fist, I clench them so much that my bloody knuckles turn white. I begin punching and elbowing him in the face, "This is for, Josh, Me and Rosalie!" I shout in his face.

"BRYCE STOP IT!" Anthony yells trying to get me off of him, I push Anthony back, because me rage had consumed me. "Go near Ro and I will kill you!" I scream. I look at his face which was masked with blood and his eyes were closing.

I hear shouting and in a matter of seconds, there was about four people pulling me off of Sam.

Josh's pov

My stomach felt like it was on fire, I glance up at Anthony who has tears in his eyes. I begin coughing and gasping for air, and Anthony starts rubbing my back, "Josh breathe!" He says and whilst holding me tight.

Jaden's pov
A couple of minutes before!

Kio carries Ro to the car whilst me and Griffin walk beside him, I look at Ro who has tears streaming from her eyes. Kio places her gently in the car, I wipe the tears from her face with my thumbs, "Ro your safe now!" I reassure her, I pull her into a tight hug. I kiss her forehead and whilst Kio rubs her back.

Sirens and lights fills the street, we watch as the police pulls up. The run out of their cars, they all go into the building, other than two which come over to us.

"We need to speak to Rosalie!" They inform us, we all move out of the way. Griffin stands next to me "who called the police?" He whispers, my face drops "Where's Taylor!" I say realising that he is not here.

The other police officer walks over to us, "Do you know Taylor?" He asks, we both nod "Why?" Griffins questions, "Taylor was in a car crash and informed us of this situation!" He says and my stomach drops, I look at Ro and her eyes begins to water. "Do you know his last name?" He asks, "Holder, his last name is Holder!" Griffins says sadly.

(A/n I hope you enjoyed my part ^^^- Teen_fanfic)

I look at Rosalie her face is red from heat and she looks towards the door we came through. I turn my head and see Sam with a gun in his hand he shoots and it hits Rosalie.

I yell "Rosalie." I look at her and see her stomach full of blood.

The cop yells "we need an amblunace now she's been shot." Suddenly all around me are officers grabbing Rosalie. At the door I see Sam being put in hand cuffs. My face goes hot and my world begins to spin. Everything goes black.

I hope u u guys enjoyed this chapter thank you to Teen_fanfic for writing most of . I'm sorry for the ending but believe me it'll come in handy later. Love you guys bye💕💕

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