•Part Two

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By late noon Sasuke opened his eyes weakly and smiled as he saw Naruto's face as if it were normal. They were both laying on their sides, facing each other although not pressed together.

Though as he slowly came to his coherent senses his eyes widened and he blushed madly. He recalled the events of last night almost immediately as he felt the sore pain in his ass and stomach. He groaned a bit which had managed to wake up the deep sleeping Naruto.

Naruto opened his eyes and seemed to go through the same realization process as Sasuke did. After a brief tired daze his eyes widened as well and he blushed madly, staring at the man before him.

Sasuke chuckled a bit, "Guess we're both surprised."

Naruto laughed as well, "I kinda just.. Thought it was one of those dreams." He admitted.

Sasuke smiled and leaned in, kissing Naruto softly. "It's not a dream." He smiled brighter.


After a few hours the boys had gotten dressed in their washed and dried clothes from the night before, walking their way through the forest hand in hand, on their way back to the city streets of Konoha.

As they reached the border of the forest line they both paused simutaniously.

Naruto blushed, feeling a guilt tug in his stomach. "Do we.. Really want to let everyone know so soon by holding hands?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke slowly slipped his hand from Naruto's and smiled, unoffended as he understood his embarrassment. "Not yet, our secret for now." They both smiled as they walked into the city.

"You get any assignments today? Unless Granny Tsunade calls me in I think today's my day off." Naruto recalled, hoping Sasuke had the day off as well.

Sasuke paused for a moment, remembering the brief talk he'd had with the Hokage before he dragged Naruto off to fight. "No, I have an assignment tomorrow though. It's simple I'm told, I'm sure she'd let you come with me." Sasuke smiled.

Naruto smiled as well, "Great! Anything you wanna do today?" He asked, holding his arms up behind his head as he normally did when he got excited.

Sasuke smirked, closing his eyes and tilting his head downward. Without knowing it, their friendly demener and happiness near each other told just about anyone who knew them that something was up. "Well, I planned to train today but.. Well I guess I should rest up before the mission, and uhm-" He blushed, opening his eyes again and glancing around them, then whispering quietly, "I'm still kinda sore, and I don't think that'll help much on the mission if I'm not feeling better tomorrow."

Naruto blushed as well, "Oh, sorry. I guess I should've been more careful." He chuckled, bringing his arms back down.

Sasuke smirked, elbowing Naruto's arm. "No, I wouldn't change a thing."

That made Naruto and Sasuke both blush worse, smile, and look forward at where they were walking again.

"So are you gonna head home later on or sooner?" Naruto asked, breaking the silence.

Sasuke thought about it for a moment, "Hm. I was thinking we could go to your house, or Ichiraku's, I know you must be hungry." Sasuke smiled.

"Sounds fun!" He wailed, feeling his stomach rumble at the thought of ramen.

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