Part Four

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"Narutoo~" Sasuke called, trying to wake him up.

Naruto opened his eyes slowly, staring at his smiling boyfriend.

"You awake now?" Sasuke asked kindly.

Naruto smiled tiredly, and shrugged. "I could be~" He joked.

Sasuke scrunched his nose and smiled, "Moron."

He placed a hand on Naruto's cheek, and Naruto reached up and held onto it tiredly and smiled.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked, shifting to roll onto his back but Naruto held onto his hand stubbornly.

Naruto scooted closer to him and cuddled up, resting his head on his chest. "Wanna do some training after a while?"

"After a while of what, exactly?" Sasuke laughed, wrapping his arms around Naruto.

"Mh. Whatever we want. Cuddling, sleeping, fucking, eating, playing~" Naruto rambled, smirking as he swirled his finger on Sasuke's chest.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and rolled them over so he was sitting on top of Naruto. "What was that?" He laughed a bit.

Naruto smirked up at him, scrunching his nose. "Just some ideas~" He laughed, rolling them back over quickly and grabbing Sasuke by his neck as he'd done to Naruto last night.

"You're into this right~?" He asked curiously, smirking as Sasuke's surprised expression looked satisfied.

Sasuke nodded, biting his lip gently as his face turned red. He brought his hands up and gently held onto Naruto's hand that was cutting off his blood flow. Naruto smiled and kissed Sasuke slowly, his grip tightening a bit after their tongues fought for dominance, but Sasuke whined and submitted to Naruto as he tightened his grip.

Upon submission, Naruto smiled into the kiss and pulled away, "You're mine right?"

Sasuke smiled, letting out small whines. "Don't worry about that babe believe me I've been yours a lot longer than you've been mine~"

Naruto blushed and gave a bright smile. "Good~" Slowly he let go of Sasuke's neck and laid back down beside him.

Sasuke chewed his lip, trying not to get worked up from being choked. "I'm glad I told you I liked you Naruto.." He smirked.

Naruto snickered happily, blushing a bit. "Ya know.. Thinking about it, sometimes I wish you would've told me sooner.. but then I think.. What if you'd kissed me and I reacted differently? When you first kissed me, I.. I honestly liked it but I didn't know why.. And after just being rejected by Sakura I couldn't be mean by any means, yaknow not like how you dealt with not knowing your feelings." Naruto smirked, teasing him. "But when we went on that mission together, I couldn't stop thinking about it and thinking of all the times where you acted weird around me, like I used to act around Sakura. I guess by the time I invited everyone to the hot springs.. I'd decided. I was really embarrassed but.. I wanted you."

Sasuke blushed deeply, smiling as he sat up and looked down in his lap. "Good. You're a bit late though." He laughed a bit.

"Late? Why? When did you decide?" He asked curiously, now remembering that Sasuke had mentioned being his before Naruto decided on being Sasuke's.

He laughed a bit, "I had a hopeless crush for a very long time but.. back on a mission we went on after you brought me back you told me something. You told me that no matter what you'd always protect me, and you'd always think about me and give me a place to call home, because I was your best friend, and you couldn't stand a life without me around. That.. That really stuck with me, and I knew that I didn't want anyone else, even if I only had you as my best friend." He smiled shyly, he was exposing his heart, still afraid he would be hurt but he trusted Naruto deeply.

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