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After a long time, Jinyoung got a good sleep and didn't want to leave the bed, when alpha was beside him. He wanted to lie down forever and leave the world behind.

" nwo, please, don't gwo" he pouted, hugging the alpha's arm and snuggling into him.

" I have work, little dove" jaebum replied softly. He fingers gently played with the omega's cheek, finding it cute and fluffy.

Jinyoung frowned and nodded slowly.

" can we gwo out befowe my school opens, jaebum?" jinyoung asked, looking up at him with lots of hopes.

" where do you wanna go?" jaebum smiled, pinching that cheek and jinyoung shrugged " wherever ywo wike"

Jaebum didn't say much, his eyes landed on the wall clock. " I am really late for my work, dove. I'll be back soon"

" ywo are boss, how are ywo late?" he blinked in confusion. His mind not able to take the small thing and it was, jaebum was boss and he needed to be on time to keep his workers on time.

" I am going and please don't go into the kitchen" Jaebum said and jinyoung was strictly not allowed in the kitchen. The little omega did know how to cook, so the alpha didn't wanted any mishap.

" Can I gwo and watch TV?" he grinned at jaebum. Poking his finger in his cheek, making himself cute so that the alpha says, yes.

" okay, you can watch TV, but you will sit really away from it." Jaebum said another rule and Jinyoung nodded like a good boy.

Jaebum walked inside the bathroom, while Jinyoung snuggled in the feather like bed. The bed was so soft and fluffy, his hands just cannot stop running over it. 


" sir, are we going to the founders party?"

Jaebum looked at yugyeom, his questioning glance made clear for yugyeom that his boss forgot about it.

The founders party? The organization we worked with previously?" yugyeom asked, making him remember but jaebum sighed.

" didn't we kill the leader? I mean we just mobbed them and killed them?" jaebum rubbed his chin thinking deeply and yugyeom's face turned into confusion. " yes, yes, but that person will be absent as you killed him "

" Anyways, where's the money I asked for?" Jaebum asked, writing cheque of  five hundred million to donate in a charity to turn it into white money.

" sir, we just gave that man warning, we will be visiting that man tonight with Bangchan".

Jaebum gave a curt nod and took out his wallet. " yugyeom, go and buy some soft toys, they should be of good quality and I see anything cheap or low, I'll throw you"

" okay, sir. How much do you want?"

Jaebum thought and then he realized he needed an almira to keep them too, so he replied " buy a big cabinet, too. And for soft toys, just buy three for now. I'll see it later, ''Jaebum said, without minding Yugyeom's work and doing his work.

When Jaebum reached his house, he was welcomed with a switched off TV and the omega sleeping on the carpet with a blanket on top and his pillow under him.

Losing his ties, Jaebum walked to the sleeping omega and picked him up with a blanket. Jinyoung whined, trying to get a comfortable position but Jaebum quieted him down.

" Little dove, why are you on the floor? You need to know that you are Don's Donna " jinyoung blinked and just pouted.

" I don't understand what you are saying?" he asked with a sleepy voice and jaebum chuckled, walking inside their bedroom.

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