Chapter 9

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Sunrays were filling the whole room, seeing Mikasa sleeping with sunrays reflecting on her hair and skin making Eren felt butterflies in his stomach they stayed the night together so many times but it was the first time they slept next to each other

Eren ran his fingers through her hair smiling upon seeing her calm face, he then moved away making sure she doesn't wake up he thought of making breakfast for both of them but when he went downstairs he saw Dina sitting
"Umm good morning?" Eren was confused why would she come so early
"You slept with her! And don't try to deny it I saw it with my eyes"
"Ok babe it's not like we were naked I was just comforting her and fell asleep, I told you before Mikasa is like family so I don't know why are you acting jealous now" Eren knew deep down that he was telling lies but he has to believe them yeah he cared about Mikasa in a very different way but as Armin said he should just forget it

"You choose her over me yesterday after all the effort I made"
"Didn't you see how she looked yesterday, why are you giving me such a hard time now?"
"Ok then when will she leave?"
"I don't know she'll stay as much as she wants"
"Doesn't she have family?"
"I told you before I am her family too, Dina if you're so bothered by Mikasa we can't go any further in this relationship I made sure to let you know about me and Mikasa from the start and you didn't mind what changed now"

"Eren I could see the way your eyes light up whenever you talk about her or someone mentions her I saw how sad you were because she didn't talk to you and I saw the way you were so scared yesterday about her, It hurts that I can't even get that from you and I did all my best so I could change that but I failed, listen Eren you obviously have something for Mikasa so how about instead telling me this bullshit try to fix that first, goodbye Eren"

What Dina said was like a slap on Eren's face he's ashamed to admit it but she's right and she wasn't the first one to notice that too, even their friends gave them a ship name,He got a little ashamed of himself too the last thing he wanted was to let her feel that, he should apologize for that and try to make it work somehow but his main focus was on helping Mikasa through this

Eren brushed his hair to the back and sighed
"Breakfast that's what I wanted to do" Dina's words kept ringing in his ear he shook his head deciding to focus on the pancakes he's making
"Good morning Eren" Mikasa said smiling when Eren saw her standing in his shirt like that his mind was blown away and couldn't help but stare, Mikasa realized he was staring so her cheeks turned light red
"E..Eren is everything alright" she said pulling the end of the shirt down a little it was above her knees but she never wore his shirt like that so she was kind of embarrassed, Eren finally came back to reality and realized he made Mikasa blush, he blushed a little too but he tried to act normal
"Oh yes.. yeah everything is alright um good morning Mika how are you feeling now?"
"I am better thank you Eren for everything"
"Please don't thank me Mika it's the least I could do, I should have...well you know what let's not bring that up now and come and help me with the pancakes"
"Yesterday you made me hot coco and now pancakes, I'll get used to being spoiled like that" Mikasa said smiling and standing next to Eren putting some pancake dough into the pan, Eren just smiled at her he wanted to say something but he didn't want to bring her mood down
"I made the perfect pancake, Eren I am still worthy"
"No way the pancake master is back"
"Oh my god you still remember that" Mikasa said laughing
"You didn't stop talking about how good was your first pancake and called yourself pancake master in the middle of the school cafeteria how can J ever forget that" Eren then brusted out laughing so Mikasa playfully hit his arm
"Hey it was my first time cooking as a child so it was impressive to me"
"I know" Eren smiled then pulled her head closer to him with his hand and gave her a gentle kiss of the forehead
"Now Mika let's get the pancakes ready I am starving and you must be starving too"
"Yeah I am" Mikasa smiled a little with a blush on her face

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