Chapter 13

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Eren's POV:
It was ok for Mikasa to take a few days off of work so I confirmed to Zeke that I was coming.
We decided to go with my car because no need for another one it wasn't really far from here about two hours drive.
We left early so Mikasa was asleep half of the ride I didn't sleep well last night I couldn't sleep my thoughts were keeping me awake flashbacks from the past kept hunting my night, facing my past was the last thing I could ever think of I wanted to burry it all and never think of it again.
But doing that make my past hunt me even more so maybe if I tried to fix things with Zeke I will finally be able to forget my past or at least put it behind my back.

"Hey Mika wake up we're here" I said shaking Mikasa gently she slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them
"How long have I slept?"
"Most of the ride but it's ok, you go knock on the door and I'll get the bags"
I got the bags and went after Mikasa we were waiting for the door to open my heart was about to leave my chest when I saw the door open slowly he was taller then me with blonde hair he definitely got that from his mother  and he was wearing glasses he smiled when he saw me         
"Eren you're finally here it's good to finally see you" he extended his hand to shake it and I took it
"Thank you for inviting me Zeke you told me I can bring anyone so I brought Mikasa"
"It's nice to meet you Zeke" Mikasa said shaking his hand
"Wow Eren you didn't tell me you have a gorgeous girlfriend" I felt my cheeks burn a little and saw the blush on Mikasa's face too
"Umm no we're childhood friends actually"
"Oh ok my bad" Zeke chuckled nervously "now come inside you must be tired Pieck made some cakes too" he said leading us inside and taking the bags from me.
He went to prepare some coffee for us so me and Mikasa were sitting in the living room waiting for him I was looking around his place was actually good

"I am not the best at making coffee but I hope you like it" Zeke said giving us coffee with some cakes on the side
"No it's good don't worry" Mikasa said taking a sip from her cup
"So how us life going for you Eren?"
"Well I am doing great at my job I am getting promoted very early I am one of the youngest who held the position I am in actually"
"Wow Eren that's very good I.. I am very proud" I put a small smile on my face then looked away taking a sip of the coffee
"And you Mikasa?"
"I work as a graphic designer and sometimes I put my art work in galleries"
"Wow this is amazing"
"Thank you"
"Mikasa's art is so good and it sells out very quickly actually she has been drawing for many years so she's really talented"
"Well then maybe I should come and attend one of your galleries"
"I'd love if you came Zeke"
"Pieck is doing some shopping when she gets back we could show you around a little what do you think Eren?"
"Sure why not"
We continued to have small talks it was mainly Zeke talking about his job and his fiancè until the door opened and a beautiful woman came in which obviously is Pieck
"Well you didn't tell me you have a beautiful fiancè" Zeke chuckled
"Hello Pieck I am Eren" I said shaking her hand
"Nice to meet you Eren"
"And I am Mikasa Ackreman nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too you look lovely Mikasa"
"Thank you, you too"

Zeke then decided to show us around a little Mikasa was with Pieck going to different shops leaving me with Zeke alone we were walking next to each other in silence it was kind of awkward but Zeke decided to break the ice
"Eren I am really glad you accepted my invitation I honestly thought you would turn me down"
"Well actually I wasn't planning on coming but Mikasa and mom talked some sense into me"
"Well I am glad they did"
"Zeke may I ask why now? why did you suddenly decided that you want me in your life?"
"I know maybe we should have talked sooner but I am starting a new chapter in my life and I thought it's the best time for us to start talking and be brothers"
"Be brothers? Zeke have you actually forget everything that happened I know it was a long time ago but I still remember what I felt back then when I thought my dad was being taken away from me by you and your mother" Zeke stopped walking and turned to look at me
"No Eren I haven't forgotten at all I lived my whole childhood without a father and it hurt for fuck sake, I hated you my whole childhood our father preferred you over me he even choose you again after coming back for us for a while and you're still mad because he left you for few months, but I decided it's time for both of us to move on we can't be mad at each other because of our old man's actions"
"You want me to act ok when the family I have grew up in was falling apart my mom was crying almost every moment because we discovered that the man living with us was a fucking liar he had another family  and never told us about it"
"Eren I understand I have been through this too why can't we just forget it we shouldn't let our old man's action affect us anymore"
"Forget it? You want me to forget it my life was breaking I was thinking of  killing myself I.. I want to go back"
I didn't listen to Zeke I turned around and started walking I don't know why I said that and why was I acting like that he's getting married this week and I am acting like a dick I knew I shouldn't have came here.

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