Part 12 - Kate POV

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"Why you wear full turtle neck today? It's not that cold. Are you sick?" Eliza looked at me in worry. I shook my head and try not locked our eyes. I'm really bad at lying.

Just about I turn around from my locker, I saw Casper and Xavier walk pass us. All the girls swooned over them, one girl just literally passed out when Xavier smile at her. Her friends have to take her to school clinic. I know their feeling. Honestly, I'm one of them. I'm not crazy about Xavier, but the black hair boy who walked behind him.

"Ladies," Xavier greet me and Eliza with fake salute then walk away. Casper made me blushed with his smirked and winked. I never get used to it. It's been seven months we been together and I knew Casper is a flirt and pervert, but I'm still got my face red every time he do flirt stuff to me. I am doom!

"Why are you face so red? I know this turtleneck is bad for you. You suffocated. Just take it off." Eliza pulled the cloth around my neck.

"No... no... I'm fine." I said waving my hand. Honestly I'm so close to pass out. My skin burned and I can feel sweat on my forehead.

Eliza narrowed her beautiful blue eyes with disbelieve gesture. The suddenly she pulled my clothes wider so she can see what beneath it. Her eyes got round and her mouth performed O shape. She just saw blue and red, not enough time to realize it just a hickey and palm print.

"Sssshhh! It's nothing." I said to calm her. But she didn't buy it because a second latter she dragged me to empty classroom to interrogate me.

Without any question she pulled my clothes up and saw a blue mark around my stomach. If he pull higher, she can see the bite mark surrounding my breast.

"Oh. My. Goddess." Eliza scanned my body. "What happened? Did Capser know about it? Wait ... did he hurt you? I swear I will kick his ass if he hit you!" Eliza hugged me. "You can tell me the truth. I believe Xavier will take an action if he knew Casper physically abusing you. He will get banned from pack. Xavier won't allow this kind of crime."

"What? No!" I shout. The horror of Casper be banned away scared me. "He didn't hurt me."

"Kate, you can tell me the truth." She thought I lie.

"No, I'm telling the truth. He didn't hit me or hurt me at least not intentionally." I add last part with small voice. I feel so embarrassed to tell her the truth, but it's the only way to avoid people have a misunderstanding about Casper. Yes, he looks so hot, pervert, scary looking guy, but he actually has a soft heart and more mature in many ways. I want people know about it.

"What?" Eliza look confused, but a second latter she hit the realization button and a wide smile spread on her face. Her eyes wiggled in wicked way. "So you two finally do the deed?" I nodded. "How was it? Is it good?" I nodded again. "You have to tell me everything!" Now I shook my head. "Come on, just a little bit. Where you did it? When? Tell. Me. Everything!" She was looking at me with a puppy eyes.

"Okay, fine." I said defeated.

"So? How was it?"

"It's hurt so bad." I said remembered the first time his massive member entering my 'pink little pussy'. His words, not mine. Eliza nod, she must have the same experience with me.

"Where did you guys did it?"

"At back of his truck after our seven months anniversary date."

Casper surprised me with a night picnic. He took me to this hills and he put some blanket and pillow at his truck. We eat our dinner with a million stars above us. It's simple yet romantic. I can't believe Casper has romantic blood in his system. I proved him selves as a good mate and made me fall for him, so I decided to give him my virginity that night.

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