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Howdy hey! My name is Lee, and I'm the author of this fanfiction! I got the idea for it a few days ago, mainly because Peter and Loki are a great duo, plus there's not nearly enough Wanda X Loki out there, so I decided to mash the two together! I wasn't sure where else to post this, soooo it's being posted here!

If you see some things that remind you of another fanfiction or something, it's probably because I read that fanfiction and subconsciously based it on that. If I do that, I'm so sorry! The same may happen with Tumblr posts. Whenever I find something that I like, I tend to subconsciously add it to my works without really noticing until someone points it out. 

Also! No art that will be shown belongs to me unless specified! If you have an issue with your art being used, please let me know and I will take it down right away!! 

Anyways, onto the headcanons! Most will relate to gender/sexuality, though there are some that relate to other things.


Loki Odinson - Genderfluid and pansexual, suffers from a few undiagnosed mental illnesses, claustrophobic

Tony Stark - Bisexual, suffers from PTSD and anxiety, a past alc*h*lic

Peter Parker - Transgender (FtM) and bisexual, suffers from PTSD 

Wanda Maximoff - Suffers from PTSD

Thor Odinson - Pansexual 

Steve Rogers - Bisexual, suffers from PTSD 

Bruce Banner - Asexual homoromantic, suffers from depression 

Natasha Romanoff - Aroace, suffers from a few undiagnosed mental illnesses 

Clint Barton - Much more similar to the comic version; wears hearing aids, almost always covered in band-aids, suffers from PTSD

Pietro Maximoff - HE'S ALIVE Y'ALL, chaotic bisexual, suffers from PTSD

Vision - Tries to help all of the Avengers with their mental illnesses 

Bucky Barnes - Homosexual, suffers from PTSD, has memory issues 

If I missed any character you guys can think of, please let me know!

Here's some more information on the AU, as well as the ships that will be seen!

This AU takes place in that grey area after Civil War, but before Infinity War. Cap and Tony are still not friends, but they at least tolerate one another enough to be in the same building as them. Tony's in the Avengers Compound a fair bit, mainly because Peter recently moved in. Most of the Avengers live there, but some live in their own homes.

A few months after AoU, Loki randomly appeared at the compound, powerless and panicking. Tony wanted to turn him away, but Steve opted to help him, so they did. Loki practically begged them not to call Thor and tell him that he was there. They eventually obliged, and Loki had explained what was going on. There was some sort of power block on him, making him unable to use any of his powers, the only exception being the power that stopped his skin from turning blue and burning people. 

Wanda was one of the nicest people to Loki, and eventually, they began a relationship (of course, this was after nearly a year of knowing one another). Peter thought that Loki was super cool and they grew to be relatively good friends. 

The relationships in this AU are the following- Wanda nad Loki, Pepper and Tony, Steve and Bucky, Thor and Bruce, Clint and Laura, and Peter and MJ. Any other ships will most likely be decided down the line, if they're needed!

I hope that you all enjoy this story! I already have the first chapter planned, but I'd like to see if anyone would enjoy reading this before I post it. Thank you all in advance! Stay safe everyone! See you later!!

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