Chapter 2 - Typical Tuesday

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Loki was awoken by the loud sound of her alarm clock going off. She mumbled something to herself about mornings and pushed herself up and out of bed, turning the alarm clock off. It had been about two years since she had arrived at the Avengers Compound, and she had been living there ever since. Unfortunately, that meant that Vision had been pretty much babysitting her ever since. She had grown used to it by now, so when he phased through the wall as he did every morning, her only reaction was to toss a book at him and tell him to get out. He took the book and complied, leaving the room again and returning to his own. 

Loki went through her typical morning routine, starting off with brushing her teeth and throwing some water on her face to help wake her up. Of course, it was warm water, seeing as she couldn't feel cold water- Frost Giant issues, man. She dried her face off and glanced at herself in the mirror for a moment. She ignored how she looked, instead opting to run a hand through her hair a few times to attempt to tame it.

"You do know you can use a hairbrush, right?" Vision's voice asked. Loki rolled her eyes, glancing at the android who was half-phased through the wall.

"I'm aware." She said. "Now get out of the bathroom." Vision did as he was told, leaving the room. Loki grabbed a hairbrush that was sitting on the counter, brushing it through her hair several times, getting what knots were in the wavy mess. Her hair was naturally slightly curly, but due to how often she brushed it out, it was wavier than curly or straight. She thought about it for a moment before braiding a smaller section of it, tucking it behind her ear with the rest of her hair. It wasn't much, but she liked it. 

After she left the bathroom, she went back to her bedroom and went over to her closet, rifling through it for a moment before pulling out a random science pun shirt (courtesy of Peter), a green winter coat, and jeans. She put the outfit on, also pulling some boots on. She often wore the winter coat, even though she couldn't physically get cold, and it was only October. She walked over to the mirror she had, which was sitting on her desk, and debated putting on any makeup. She eventually decided to, going with a subtle green look, because it's still Loki, after all. 

"Reindeer Games!" Tony's voice called from somewhere in the compound. "Get out here already!" Loki rolled her eyes and left her room, closing the door behind her. She walked out into the kitchen, grabbing a mug that Peter had made her and getting some coffee. She wasn't necessarily a coffee person, but she didn't feel like making tea just for her to drink it. Especially because Tony always complained that she had to have tea. She took a sip of it as she walked out into the dining room. A fair amount of people were still missing, but they were probably still getting ready. Tony glanced up from whatever it was he was doing- which seemed to be some sort of blueprints- and glanced Loki up and down.

"Why do you wear that damned coat all the time?" He questioned. Loki shrugged.

"I like it." She replied, leaning against the counter behind her. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Pete's still not out- care to go get him? I would, but I need to work on this." Loki nodded a little.

"Sure, I'll go get him." She said, walking off. She navigated her way through the compound, which was unnecessarily large, quickly making it to Peter's room. She knocked on the door three times, which was the way she let Peter know it was her. 

"Uh- one second?" Peter's voice said. It sounded more like a question than it did a statement. Loki smiled a little to herself.

"Did you get stuck in your binder again, Spiderling?" 

"No!" There was a pause. "...Okay, yes..." Loki nodded a bit, carefully opening the door. She placed her cup down on his desk, closing the door behind her and walking over to his bed, where he was sitting, helping him pull the binder back on fully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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