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Jungkook was suddenly tapping the steering wheel of his jeep anxiously.

"You good?" Asked Namjoon.

"Nah man, I'm not. Reaper is restless and he's about ready to rip out of my body right now to get to our mate faster." said Jungkook accelerating a bit  to get back to the convenience store. He tried to text Jimin to ask him if he was fine but got no reply.

"You know your wolf is the laziest wolf in history."

"Right now is not the right time to fuck with him Nam. He's not in the best of moods with our mate's safety unknown."

"Well yeah but what I meant was he gets the job done when it's needed. He basically shut out the world when he didn't find his mate. You know what I mean"

"Yeah I know, he's a bit stuck up and thinks everyone is below us."

"They are except for our mate!"

"We're almost there. Let's hope he's fine" says Namjoon.

Jungkook hummed.

Jungkook soon got a text from Jimin.

Baby mate❤: Jungkook help!!!


Jungkook cursed out.

When they got closer they saw a black SUV parked outside and some men pointing their guns at Jimin. Jungkook almost lost it; wanting to crash through the store and slaughter them but Namjoon had a better plan.

"Listen kook, let's go through the back. I don't think you'd want Jimin seeing what we're about to do to them. It might scare him away from you plus it might cost you your mate, so let's be smart about this."

Jungkook hummed only agreeing because he didn't want to put Jimin in any danger. The rest was irrelevant to him.

Jungkook parked the jeep at the back of the store; careful not to make noise.

Jungkook snapped the lock open with ease. They entered through the staff room and soon they were inside.

They saw Jimin crying and desperately pointing at his 'I am Mute' sign to the men, who were screaming at him to talk with their guns pointed at him.

Jungkook struggled with his wolf. It wanted nothing more than to rip those men to pieces.

Seeing Jimin cry made Jungkook almost crazy with bloodlust.

Jungkook and Namjoon saw jimin give them the money but when they started demanding  Jimin to leave with them, that's when the two wolves had enough.

They came out from behind the aisles. Namjoon was whistling as they walked towards the men.

Jungkook kept his focus on Jimin, who was trembling in fear.

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get in!?" One the men demanded.

Namjoon only smirked and shared a look with Jungkook.

"The same way you came in only better" Namjoon replied.

"You take care of jimin I'll handle them."

Jungkook have him a nod.

The men pointed their guns at the pair.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Warned Namjoon.

"How about you let go of what's mine and maybe I'd reconsider letting you all leave with your lives?" Jungkook quizzed.

The men scoffed.

"There's eight of us and only two you."

"You're outnumbered and unmatched."

"This little cutie is coming with us."

Jungkook stood there with hands in his pockets; pushing his tongue against his cheek.

"Man, these fucking humans are giving me a headache!"

"Let's kill them and get this over with. Our mate is not to be touched by the likes of him and his fellow pests!" reaper growled.

"Nope let Namjoon deal with this. We have our mate to tend to."

"Then you all die." said Jungkook and the men laughed before shooting at Jungkook and a yawning Namjoon.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at their antics as the bullets bounced off him and Namjoon.

When the men emptied their guns, Jungkook was quick to pull Jimin in his arms and sat behind the counter, with him on his lap while Namjoon dealt with those men.

Jimin hugged Jungkook as if his life depended on it.

Jungkook wiped Jimin's tears away while Jimin couldn't register how Jungkook was unharmed by the bullets.

Soon growls and screams filled the store while Jimin whimpered against Jungkook's neck; trying to drown the terrifying noise out.

There were crashes and more screams before all the noises died down.

Jungkook kept whispering assurances to Jimin  the whole time, and it seemed to have calmed him down a bit.

"I'm done. You can come out now but I would recommend you shield his eyes away...it got a bit messy." namjoon said.

Jungkook sighed and looked into Jimin's bloodshot grey eyes.

"You're okay, you're safe but I need you to close your eyes and not peek until we get outside okay?"

Jimin nodded then Jungkook placed a peck on his forehead before lifting him out from under the counter.

Jimin had his face buried in Jungkook's neck, his arms wrapped around his neck while his legs were the same around Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook found Namjoon leaning against the counter eating a packet of Lays drenched in blood.

The whole store was decorated with flesh, blood and bones.

"Damn you made a mess." said Jungkook.

Namjoon shrugged.

"Is Jimin fine?" Asked Namjoon as he followed the pair out the back.

"Yeah he's good."

"Good, coz we need to ask him some questions."

Jungkook suddenly turned around to face Namjoon with knitted eyebrows.


"Those men....they didn't come for the money. They came for him, they used the robbery as a front."

"And you know this how?"

"They had his profile with them. They were paid to abduct him."

Can someone explain to me how the fuck am I supposed to exist when he's looking so good?

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Can someone explain to me how the fuck am I supposed to exist when he's looking so good?

The fucking disrespect.

Okay so this might be confusing but all will be explained in the next chapter and because some of y'all requested it...we get to see Vmon🎊🎊🎊


Love yall💜💜💜


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