The Epiphany of the Butler

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I was afraid-so very afraid-I was petrified. I was grateful that the two officers were able to join me as I lead them to the manor. We walked to the manor and did not speak, for we all knew what could have possibly caused that noise. All that was heard as we continued to walk was the chirping of the crickets, for their song did not bring peace to mind, instead it brought agazining fear, as if I was walking to my death. I was the one to break the silence.

“Sirs I will not be able to join you to the manor, for my heart is weak and I do not want to go near that house.”

“Would you be willing to lead us as close as you are comfortable to the estate?” asked the one I believe to be Gonzales.

“Thank you officer for understanding.”

As we continued our journey, I began to describe to the duo how to reach the manor. “To reach the manor, follow this road until a long driveway begins to appear in the distance. Follow that driveway until you reach the gates as black as coal. Open the gates and continue walking till the manor house comes into sight. From there the rest is up to you.”

“Thank you very much sir, enjoy your evening.” said the one I recognized as Finn Baker.

I know that Matthew and I have worked on many strange cases, but this case was by far the most bizarre. As we approached the door, I was hesitant to knock on the door. But something inside of my told me to knock. After knocking on the door it was soon answered by a young man clearly out of breath.

“Oh good evening officers, please excuse my appearance. I am Charles Carlson, the butler of this fine manor. Would you please come in?”

“Hello sir, I am officer Stephen Baker, and this is my partner officer Matthew Gonzales. We are here because a neighbor of yours reported loud screams coming from this house.”

“Screams you say? Oh I am terribly sorry for those screams were of my own. I unfortunately had a nightmare. I dreamt that I was locked in a pitch black room. A room so dark that I was not able to see my hands right in front of me. When I tried to comprehend what was happening, a scratching suddenly came from the corner opposite of me. I did not move for fear of being attacked by this unknown creature. How rude of me! Please do come inside and let me offer you tea for the journey."

Charles then lead us throughout the manor giving us a brief history of the Williams family. Concluding his  He lead us into a bedroom on the second floor of the manor. My partner and I were slightly confused. Why would he take us to a bedroom? Does this home not have a parlor?

When we entered the room, Charles immediately brought chairs for us seat ourselves in. Our chairs were set near the door, while Charles placed his along the bed. The location in which he placed his chair was quite peculiar. He then excused himself to go and prepare the tea. The moment that he left the room Matthew and I began to converse.

“Tell me Finn do you believe what Charles says?”

“He does not seem guilty. But it is strange how he does not seem to be concerned about the nature of our questions.  Also why would he be awake and out of breath at this hour? Let us stay for tea and then report back to the station our findings.”

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