Issue 1: Country Shipping

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Like most fandoms, two people and/or characters can be "shipped" which means to put two people together in a relationship, together.

However, with Countryhumans, this should'nt apply to it. However, a portion of this fandom does so anyways, and it's quite a disgrace to people who actually enjoy history and even study it.

Such ships are as follow.

● USSR and Third Reich
● Russia and United States
● And a few others...

First of all, let me get this straight. Why? I'm serious, why would people do this? As a person who likes maps and history, I find this very disturbing, and as bad as some other fandoms I have covered.

But most of the community in this fandom are young teenagers around 13-15. No offense.

What I found is pretty odd and disturbing... and it leads to Issue 2.

My Opinion on Countryhumans: Why Would You Do This?Where stories live. Discover now