Chapter 1- Love at First Sight?

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I suggest you to on music please☝︎︎☝︎︎ If you want. There be JenKai moment too if you don't mind. 😉😉☕︎︎


3 person pov
Roseanne got done and people applauded with her vocals. Roseanne and the other girls quit YG Entertainment a year ago to do what they like. Roseanne working at a Flower Shop with her girl Jennie and sings in front of people. She wished that Jisoo and Lisa worked here with her and Jennie but Jisoo got an acting job in JYP Entertainment and Lisa went to her Homeland Thailand.
Roseanne was done singing and bowed down to the crowds.
Taehyung pov
"Rosie! You did great out their!" I said "Well Thank you Taehyung-ssi! Rose said. "Oh do you see Jennie?" "I'm right here! Sorry Taehyung-ssi I went in the back to do something." Jennie said running to Taehyung and Roseanne. "Oh can you deliver this to my lovely boyfriend, Jungkookie?" "Of course. Anything for you Taehyung-ssi!"

~10 minutes later~
Jennie pov
I hummed to myself while getting out of the car getting the flowers that Taehyung got and the food for Jungkook from Taehyung. "Gosh they are so cute together I wish I had someone like that." I pouted.
I didn't dare to read the letter in the flower I walked into the company and saw someone. "Errm..... E-Excuse me m-mister.." I stuttered. "No need to utterly stutter to me, miss." "I'm here to deliver flowers and, food to Mr.Jeon from Kim Taehyung." I said without stuttering. I felt proud of myself. I smiled to myself. "Oh ok. It's at the top of the floor. Floor 15 then you meet the secretary." "Thank you mister." I said I went to the elevator and pressed the number 15.
                             ~Floor 13. Arrived~

I walked out of the elevator and saw someone pure gorgeous. I blushed in front to him like a school girl. "Mmmm. H-Hello. I'm here to d-deliver flowers and the food for M-mr.J-Jeon.." I said Dang it I stuttered I thought in my mind still blushing. "Ok cutie. I need a name and your number sweetie." He said "I-It's Jennie K-Kim and number is

xxx-xxx-xxxx" "Ahh such a beautiful name. I'm Kim Kai. Call me Kai. You may go in." I nodded and knock hearing someone came in. I went in and said "Hello Mr. Jeon I'm here to deliver flowers and your food fro-" "Ahhh my baby Taehyungie." I nodded and handed him his flower and put down his food onto the table. "Ummm. Madame your name?" " Oh sorry it's Jennie Kim. But call me Jennie or Noona if you want." "Ok. Noona can you please take a photo of me with this beautifully done flower." "Of course." I said "Ok, 1,2,3"

" I said "Ok, 1,2,3"                                         ~Click~

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"Thank you Noona!" Your very welcome." I smiled "I'll be leaving now." "Ok bye." "Bye" I waved at him. Closing the door seeing the secretary winking at me. I obviously winded at him back. I wave at him good bye.
Jungkook pov
I smiled to myself then looked at my see through glass and saw him winking at the cute delivery girl. But my TaeTae is even cuter. I sent him the picture. And read the letter.

Hello my beautiful boyfriend.<3
Is your beautiful heart ok?
I hope that you like the flowers that I made you and you forgot your lunch! Next time don't
forget to get  your lunch before you won't get it delivered! Just kidding I'm not gonna let
My pabo starve. See you at home dear.
For your lovely angle Tae<3

I smiled. "Kai please come in." Yes sir?" I saw you flirting with that girl Jennie. Yeh?" "I-I umm I can explain." "Oh no need to. I'm a sucker for love. I'll set you two up. I'll tell Tae too." I smirked. "Well Thank you sir." "Ok you can go now."

Jennie pov
I got out of the building smiling. Went into the car driving to my job while listening to Congratulations from Eric Nam. I sang along with it. I arrive to work and got a text from Kai saying

Hello beautiful. I hope we get together sometime. Anyways are you single?

Yes I hope we get together and yes I'm single.☺️

Great lovely babygirl.<3

I blushed getting out of the car.

Taehyung pov
"Well someone looked happy Yeah?" I said "Anyways let's get back to work."

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