Chapter 8- Happy Memories

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Taehyung's pov
I made pancakes for me and Kookie. I ran to the bedroom and jumped on the bed "Wake up Wake up!" "Yah. I'm awake." "Come on let's eat and go to the Amusement Park!! I wanna see Jiminie!"

"Ready?" "Yeah! IM SO EXCITED!! I saw Jungkook smiled. "Your so cute! My precious little bean!" Jungkook said "Well your the best part of my beautiful life. Your so beautiful Jungkook. I can't wait for our marriage day. I'll be the happiest man in the universe." I said almost teared up. "Aww bae! Your words are so meaningful!"

*Ding Dong* I ran to the door "JIMIN!" I hugged him. "Ahh Hello Love!" "Come one lets go!"

We arrived to EverLand Them Park. "Wahhh~ it's so beautiful." We got in line to get wrist tickets. "Come on let's go on the roller coaster!" Jimin said. "No No No! I hateu roller coaster!" Hoseok said. "Oh come on. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseee~!" "Nope." Hoseok looked away. I saw Jimin clinging on to Hoseok. "Come on Hoseok don't be Pabo!" Yoongi said. I laughed a bit even Jungkook laugh. "Come on Hoseok I mean the roller coaster is just right there. You can ride one." I said. "Fine then." "Wow you listen to Taehyung and not me." Jimin whined at both of them. "Sorry Jiminie~ I'll make it up to you~." "Okay okay!" Jimin have a peck on the cheek to Hoseok

3 Person pov
"Let's goo~!" Taehyung sat next to Jimin. Yoongi Jungkook and Hoseok sat together. "Hehe Jimin this is gonna be so fun!" "Yeah not for me." "Oh stop whining Hoseok!" Yoongi said. "Oh stop actions like a AHHHHHH!!!" The roller coaster begin and we all  screaming for joy and the scary ness.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Hoseok almost died

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"AHHHHHH!!!" Hoseok almost died. They all laugh.  "YAH HOSEOK HOLD MY HANDD~!!" Yoongi surprisingly said. They hold hands. They all held hands. "JIMINIE!TAE!YOONGI!KOOOK! IM GONNA DIE!"Hoseok screamed.

The roller coaster was don't they all got out then Hoseok kissed the floor." Ohhh floor I've missed you so so MUCH!" "Ewww Hoseok I'm not gonna give you kisses anymore." Jimin said"Yeah I agree." "Hahaha that was fun! Let's do it again!" Jungkook said. "Yah not me this time." Hoseok said. "Oh come ONNN!!! Pleaseee!!" "No! NO WAY!" "Please for me~ I'll miss you." Jimin said. "No~!" "Fine! I'm gonna break up with you cutie!" Jimin pouted. "Okay finee!" "Hehe I was never gonna break you with you! Now come one lets goo!"

 "Okay finee!" "Hehe I was never gonna break you with you! Now come one lets goo!"

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The day was done and it was about time to go home.
"Hey guys look!"

"I zoomed into Hoseokie!" They all laugh

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"I zoomed into Hoseokie!" They all laugh. "YAH! It's not funny I almost died!" "Your so cute! I could eat you up!" "Oh really Jimin?" Hoseok smirked. "YAH! Nasty!! Do it at home!" Taehyung said.

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