Chapter 1 - ARENA

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"Oh my...It's fangs, it's claws, it's muscle build is unlike the others. I stand here in disbelief of what you have brought me," A voice said, soon another one responding to it

"What, this young dragon? I do have to say that I don't see anything special about," The other voice responded.

"...Bring it to the arena, you'll see the difference, you'll see what this dragon hopefully is." The voice commanded.


The room was dark, it was cold and voices seemed to be bouncing across the walls, or was it coming from some other source beyond this dark cold room. The blue Dragon soon awoke, breathing heavily and soon feeling the sudden aches and pains of its previous days penetrations. The Dragon slightly swayed its head from side to side, trying to compose itself to get an idea of its surroundings. It looked around, it's great vision kicking in as its eyes adjusted to this small and cold dark room. After the Dragon got an idea of its surroundings, it soon took notice to those voices, soon realizing that it seemed to be coming from outside of the room, it sounded like tens, no if not hundreds of voices yelling words that it couldn't quite make out.

"Hello?" He spoke, walking over to a large metallic door, gazing his eyes upon it.

The voices continued, the Dragon suddenly became very bewildered, backing up and staring at that metallic door. It suddenly began to open, the sound of metallic gear beginning to echo through that small room. As the door opened more, light poured into the room, the voices grew more and more, soon the voices sounded more like sudden booms of sound and instruments. The Dragon's eyes squinted, adjusting to this light that had seeped into the room. Although the Dragon was concerned about its safety, it took in a deep breath and decided to test fate itself, walking out of the room and into this light. The Dragon stoped and looked upon this large room that it had entered, it was indeed a large stadium, hundreds upon hundreds of people sat upon the seats of the stadium, others who were in a group together played instruments to hype up the crowd for something, but what? The dragon soon took notice of a man sitting on a chair that stood out from the others, this man stared back at the dragon, the man seeming to have sucked a crazed yet clam look on its face. The Dragon narrowed its and watched with shock as others doors began to open, many other dragons stepping out of their dark and cold rooms, some seeming more confident than others.

"W-what's going on?!" A voice asked to the Dragon.

He turned to see that it was another Dragon, they were slightly smaller and more lean than he was, looking just as young as he was as well. They were light green with 3 jagged horns protruding from the back of its head. It had a look of fear and panic, it's legs seemed to shrink under it. He gazed at this light green Dragon, not responding to it was giving it a look of confusion, signaling that he to didn't know what was going on. The blue Dragon wasn't as scared as the other, or others as much, though he did feel threatened and slightly worried for his life. After a few moments, the man that had been staring at him stood up and raised both arms to silent the roaring and hyped crowd. As all of them went quiet, all eye were upon this man who began to speak

"Welcome, ladies and gentle men of the divided kingdoms! My name is Monthrill, and I am so glad that so many of you could make it to my stadium today, you have spent your money well I assure you...look upon these Dragons, they are here for your the entertainment that you deserve, a entertainment that a few would call barbaric, but I call THRILLING!!" He shouted

The crowd went wild, the dragons looking at each other with dread know, most knowing what was about to go down. The blue Dragon narrowed its eyes and looked around, the thought of participating in these people's entertainment disgusting it. Soon Monthrill hushed the crowds again with the hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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